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I wake up and immediately know something is wrong. I don't know what, but I just have this sinking feeling in my gut that all is not right.  Although I would like to go find out what it is, the AIS system prohibits anyone from doing so. No exits out of my bedroom will open until I have completed my daily routine.

Giving in, I get out of bed, make it look presentable, and continue with sliding it into the wall.

"Good Morning Mr. Aspen K. Lassiter!" the AIS states its programmed response, "Was your sleep sufficient?"

"Yes." I answer agitated that I have to do this before seeing what's wrong. 

After a moment to process that, the AIS continues with the daily morning process.

"Whenever you are ready, please recite the national motto."

"Ready," I say cueing the voice recorder, "I pledge my life to the Nation, the glorious Nation, and to its citizens forever. I will obey authority and do as I am required. Security before privacy and consistency before freedom."

"Your pledge has been accepted Mr. Lassiter! Please serve your nation faithfully today!"

"Always will I serve." I recite the only acceptable answer to that statement.

I continue to the sonic shower, throwing my clothes into the sanitation drawer, and wishing the nine minute process would quicken for just this once. I finish in the shower hall and sprint into my closet. I grab my clothes from the Friday cabinet and throw them on.  Making a dash for the door, I thrust my thumb onto the scanner and fly through the door into the kitchen. I look around and I see no one. My parents, or lack thereof, aren't there. not that I feel horrible considering they hate me and have never loved me during my short miserable life, but the lack of noise outside grabs my attention. I cross the room to look out the window and am greeted by barren streets and complete, utter silence.

"Where is everyone?" I say to no one in particular.

I cross the kitchen to my parents' room and use the scanner. Their door opens with an audible hiss but again, I see nothing. Their bed is made, likely from the day before, and their clothes for today an still in the closet.

"Uhm, not that I care AIS, but where are my parents?" I ask

"Mrs. Cassia E. and Mr. Tobias K. Lassiter are not present in the boundary of the States of Function."

"What? That's impossible. Check again."

After a few seconds of delay to check, the AIS again says, "Mrs. Cassia E. and Mr. Tobias K. Lassiter are not present in the boundary of the States of Function."

"We'll okay then..."

I search around the apartment a little longer for any evidence, but all I find of significance is my parents' SkyPhones on their dresser. I open the door, run out of the building into the street and I see nothing. No people, no moving hovercars or hovertrains, and no voices.

"What the heck is going on here?" I say aloud so confused as to why I am apparently the only person around here present or alert. I walk back into my kitchen to ask the AIS a few questions.

"AIS," I ask, "How many people are in Linia Province at this time?"

"There is one person inside Linia Province borders."

"Well who is it?"

"Mr. Aspen K. Lassiter"

"Well I already knew that...where did everyone go?"

"That is not a valid request."

"Okay, well where is the nearest citizen?"

"The nearest citizen is in Sania province."

"Sania! That's almost three hours away from here! Are there any other people?"

"There are no other citizens in the States of Function."

"Uhm, well who is in Sania province?"

"Ms. Risa M. Finnow."

"Great, I'm stuck alone with a girl in Sania province. What else could be worse! Of course, if she's attractive that could be okay...very okay. But when I imagined myself with a beautiful girl, there was no end I the world kind of stuff in the way..."

I sit down and try to figure out what in the world to do when my SkyPhone vibrates, signaling that I have an incoming message.

"Finally some answe..." I start to say, but then I see the message. It reads:

"Things are only going to get worse. This is only the beginning. Don't do the wrong thing. We're watching you.
          -the SST"


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