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"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, NO, NO, NO!" I scream through the window.

The next thing I know, she drops out cold on the ground. I run out of my apartment and stop in front of her. I can't believe what my eyes are seeing. There is no way that this situation is right. I must be dreaming; I have to be. Being stuck on this continent with one other person? Not so bad considering I could be alone. Being stuck with a possibly attractive girl who could be my friend? Things looking a little better. But this girl? Don't get me wrong, she is gorgeous, but this can't be happening. No, that can't be right.

I stare at the limp body laying on the ground at my feet in complete utter shock. I continue to scan over her crumpled curvy body, still trying to disprove what my eyes tell me, but the evidence is right in front of me. It is most definitely her. If she were awake right now, I don't know that I would make it out of here alive.

"No, no, no, no, no..." I mutter to myself, "this cant be happening right now."

But it is. And there is absolutely nothing in the world that I can do about it. I feel so powerless. I am used to being in control of what happens to a certain extent, but there is no way out of this situation; none. After looking like an idiot staring at a limp corpse for quite a long amount of time, I reach down and haul her up onto my shoulder, surprised by how heavy she is. Certainly not what I was expecting. I carry her, like one would a child playing the "sack of potatoes" game. I quickly cross the street and hurry through my door. I drop her on the closest thing in sight that might be able to act as restraint, my parents' bed. I turn quickly on my heel, sending shooting pain through my foot from the friction, and run out of the room.

"What do I do?" I ask the barren kitchen walls, "What can I tie her up with?"

That's when I remember, the tie wraps. I run into the garage and grab the entire container of them not caring about all the things I'm knocking over in my path at the moment. The mess can be cleaned up later, but right now I need to restrain this girl before she wakes up. I sprint the short distance to the bedroom and start looping the tie wraps together to make a long enough chain to go from the feet of the bed to her limbs. I first make a long loop around the foot of the bed long enough to reach her, and then connect it to a smaller loop that I secure onto her left wrist. I continue the process working then to her right wrist, right ankle, and then finally, her left ankle. When I finish, I sit back and take in my work; crude maybe, but a necessary precaution. This could get ugly here in a few minutes.

I step out of the room and realize just how tired I am. From all the excitement this morning, to the physical strain I just endured, I am about to fall over dead of thirst. I walk over to the sink, not even bothering to get a water bottle out of the drink fridge. I turn the water all the way on cold and stick my head under the cool stream. I greedily take in large gulps of water before I am completely satisfied with the state of my aquatic intake. Realizing that I drank way too much, way too fast, I plop down in the bar-stool at the island in the middle of my kitchen. As I do, I can feel the water sloshing around inside my stomach as it mixes with the inner acids.

"Why did I do that? Stupid, stupid, stupid..." I mumble.

I'm always the one for instant gratification, not taking the time to slow down and pace myself. I am suddenly hit with a wave of nausea from my high water intake. Forget the girl for the moment, I feel like I'm about to puke my insides out all over the kitchen.

After a short period of time, I slowly make my way into the bedroom and collapse into the chair closest to the bed. I want to be here when she wakes up. Carefully positioning myself as not to upset the turmoil on my insides again, I lean my head on my hand and study the features of the girl. Tall and curvy with long, wavy, dirty blonde hair. I can't see her eyes at the moment since they are closed, but if I recall right from earlier, they were brown. Not a dark brown, almost a hazel color, but not quite that light. Suddenly feeling very tired, my eyelids start to close. I try to force them open, but they keep getting heavier and heavier. I dose off for what feels like hours, but am abruptly awaken by movement on the bed. Glancing at the clock, I see it has only been 13 minutes since I sat down. I sit up straight and await the coming horrors soon to proceed this girl's awakening.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I really wanted to do the awakening scene from Risa's POV.

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