Our new family is kinda weird....

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We were in the car.Yui was daydreaming and I was listening to music and got lost in my little world as I started humming the song that I was listening to.


All you wanted was a little atention from a girl.

I gave you everything.I would have given my whole world

And now you want it but i don't feel the same

And you can't have it leave you lying in your grave


I stopped humming I couldn't humm any more...it just made my heart ache .

"Yui?-Yui?-YUI!!!"i screamed so i could have her attention.

"Huh?! Oh sorry Hisu-chan what is it?"

"how mant times have i told you dont call me hisu-chan!"

"hehe sorry hisu-ch.....nevermind"

"So how do you think our new family is like?" I ask so the time could pass.

"I dont know but im sure they are nice trust me!" Pshhh same old Yui so optimistic

"Sure whatever. " i replied making sure my tone was very uninterested

"Ma'am were there in 5 minutes" the triver said

"Ok!" Yui said

"UGH FINALLY IT TOOK FOREVER!" I shout as look out the window seeing a big creepy mansion.



As we were laughing the car stopped . We understood that we had arrived. Yui got out of the car and finally when i got out all I saw was a huge mansion with a big rose garden. And to be honest it was kinda creepy, but also cool .

I dint talk at all as I just took our bags and started walking . Leaving Yui behind that after i took 5 steps came back to her senses and followed me. As we walked and admired the view,it started raining...a lot. We ran to the mansion . Yui knoked on the door waited thenbthe door opened up....

And she went in...i followed her

"HELLO! " Yui shouted and entered like she owned the place.

" HOLLA !big sis?!? KEEP IT DOWN ! " I whisperd yo her

"WOW,Hisu-chan got some manners. Normally you call me by my name now you calk me big sis... "Yui wispers

"Well our new family has to know that I'm a child with manners unlike you. " i say as we both started laughing until we couldn't breathe.

We then walked until a big staircase with a red chouch on it was in front of us . On the sides there were small corridors to other places unknown to us.

"Sugoi its huge!" I said

"Shhh!" She wisperd

"What?"I said

"Look" I pointed to a couch where someone was sleeping he had red hair and his chlotes were the wrong way . He looked meh but it seemed that Yui liked it.

Yui looked the direction I pointed at and saw the guy.
As we slowly started walking towards him Yui started talking.

"A-ano excuse me! "Yui touched him and said.

"He's cold" she remarked

After that she put her head on his chest.

"He doesn't have a pulse Hisu-chan quick give me my phone!" as i gave Yui her phone the red head woke up ohhh shit !

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