First bite...

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okay so i know i havent had updated for a long time but i have a reson and that is that a sertain someone(freaking chichinsahi) changed the hole storyline so i had to change everything.....

and i had like so many taps that would effect next year i had to study like hell!!!


HEY I HELPED YOU!  AND U DIDN'T EVEN SAY THANX!  PLUS U HAD TO STUDY BECAUSE U R AN IDIOT ..... but as any idiot in anime u have big boobs... WHY?!?!?


Kiyara P.O.V

I was running i was in a rose garden filled with beutifull white roses until i bumped into someone and fell on the ground. Ouch. Now my butt hurt!

"Hehe finally found you!"I heard a voice above me that made me freeze how....

It was a male voice i looked up and saw no one else than....


As i stood up as he took a grip of my wrist and pulled me towards him....why can't i figt back?!  UGHHHH!  This is very frustrating!

" WHAT THE HELL GET AWAY FROM ME U PERV! "I screamed in rage but he gripped my wrists harder making them sting.

"Not so tough now are ya? I thought you were stronger,you even made us all closely die"he spoke venom dripping from every word.

"You're imortals idiot!" seriously he is a dumb ass.

"Shut up!" As he said that he pinned me to a tree by the throat.

What was this feeling?  Anger ? Definetly. Pain?  I dont remember pain .  What is pain? 

And thats when i remembered pain...

-le flash back brought to you by Luigi-

It was dark the cold crisp air of the night nipped at my cheeks even if I was in an un-identified vechicle.

"Exscuse meMiss Sir who are you? " I asked a bit frightened.

There was no response I noticed that there also was a girl

She was situated next to me. She looked about 5 or 4 with long white hair and two different collours one was blue the other one was purple . Also the girl wore a tiara ... Hmmm strange .

And what was stranger is that every one was smiling and the people from the front said"Happy Birthday! "

the fallen Angel:biabolik lovers(By Bitch-chan<3)Where stories live. Discover now