Chapter One

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Chapter One: The sound of my alarm clock echoed throughout my room, reminding me that my break was over. I moaned as I threw the alarm clock onto the ground and allowed the batteries to pop out.

I took a quick shower and dried my hair, letting it fall into it's natural,

dirty blond waves. I didn't have the best clothes like all of the other girls, I didn't buy leading brands of makeup, but I made it work.

I quickly poured myself a bowl of cereal and scarfed it down. It was quite

unattractive, and I was happy my older brother wasn't around to take a video of it.

I cleaned up my mess and ran out the door to catch the bus. I'm the last stop to school, so every seat is always taken.

"Hey Trinity!" My best friend Brandi called. She was always the popular one. She has perfect hair, perfect teeth, the perfect body, she has it all. Me on the other hand, I'm the complete opposite. I just got my braces off and I'm not exactly what people would call skinny, but I'm not chunky either. I'm about average for my age.

I made my way over to her and plopped down onto the seat.

"So how was your Thanksgiving?" Brandi asked.

I shrugged, "Filling."

We both laughed as I set my backpack onto the dirty floor of the bus. I searched through the front pocket for my phone, pulling it out and sending a text to my brother. I searched through my contacts for his name; Alex. Once I found it I began dancing my finger over the keyboard.

"Why weren't you home this morning?" I pressed send and received a response

almost right away.

"We had a meeting for hockey. Practice is still on so you're gonna have to stay after school with me." He replied. I groaned and told him okay.

The bus came to a stop and I picked my backpack up off of the floor. I swung the strap over my shoulder and slowly made my way out of the bus.

"I'll save you a seat at lunch." Brandi smiled and gave me a quick hug.

"Sounds good." I thanked her and hugged her back, making my way towards the

double doors leading into the school.

I walked down the crowded hallway and found my locker, twisting the lock to the correct digits needed to open it. The locker popped open, revealing my untouched textbooks and posters of my favorite artists.

I grabbed my math and english books and walked towards the doors of the

classroom. My seat was towards the back, but in the middle of the row. I placed my books down onto my desk and set my backpack down next to my feet, sliding into my chair and tugging the desk towards me.

My teacher, Mrs.Jackson, walked into the room. She was very strict, especially to me. She's always told me that I was the only one she expected to go anywhere in life. I've been in her class through my freshmen and sophomore years, and now I'm continuing to learn with her through my junior year, too.

"Okay, class, what did you forget over break?" She asked. Half of the class

laughed and others raised their hands. I sat motionless, remembering everything she taught me the week before.

"Miss Jones," Mrs.Jackson called on me, "why don't you tell the class what we


I stood up and told the class about the previous lesson. Some rolled their eyes, others paid attention, and a few fell asleep. Once I was done explaining everything, I took my seat and watched Mrs.Jackson smile, showing how pleased she was with me, her "star student."

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