Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: I stared at Alex, full of confusion. "Well, since tomorrow's your birthday and it's on a Monday, we can't really treat you to anything other than hockey drills at practice." Alex stated as Harry chuckled.

I ran upstairs and took a quick shower, getting ready for whatever they had planned. I was used to Alex doing this sort of thing, but I didn't expect Harry to go along with it.

I applied my makeup and got dressed in a high waisted tribal skirt with a brown belt and a navy blue ruffled shirt. I threw on some sandals with jewels on the top and grabbed my tiny fringed purse that was just big enough to hold my phone and money. Skipping down the stairs, I heard Alex talking to Harry about birthday gifts and covered my ears. I hated ruining my surprises. I made a little more noise, warning them that they should stop talking since I was coming down.

Alex smiled when he saw me and gave me a hug. I was excited to catch up to my brother and his friends. "You look pretty." He smiled. I playfully punched his arm and thanked him.

"Where'd Harry go? He was just down here." I asked. I liked Harry's new attitude towards me. Hopefully it wouldn't change. I saw him walk out of the bathroom and watched as he grabbed his phone from the table, walking out of the front door before even glimpsing at me.

I followed Alex out and sat down in the back seat of his truck. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He smiled.

After about twenty minutes of listening to Harry's favorite band that I've never heard of before, we arrive at an amusement park. I smile and hop out of the car.

"Are you excited?" Alex asked.

I nodded and walked around to the other side of the car. Harry didn't seem too happy about where we were. He shoved his hands deep into his pockets and huffed.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." I told him.

He turned his head towards me, "Just be happy you're here, okay?" The way he said it was offensive. I turned away and walked back towards the car.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked. He ran to the car and slammed the door shut before I could open it all the way. "You're staying. Ignore him."

Harry was talking on the phone to someone named Louis. It surprised me that he actually had other friends considering how much he was at my house.

We walked into the amusement park and bought tickets. A boy with blue eyes and sloppy hair walked over to us. Harry did a little hand shake with the boy and pat his back. "What's up, Lou?"

"Just hanging out here today. Why are you here?" Louis asked.

"It's my friends birthday." Harry replied. He just back talked me in the parking lot and now we're friends?

Louis looked over to me and I quickly looked away. He looked a few years older than Harry. Maybe 20? "Mind if I tag along?" He asked me. I shook my head and invited him with our small group.

The first thing we did was head to the ferris wheel. The cart sat four people, so we were all able to go on together. Harry and Louis sat across from my brother and I. Louis and Alex were sitting across from each other, talking about hockey and other sports that Louis was into.

Harry's eyes were glued to me. He continued to look me up and down, his facial expression was flat. I looked at him with a confused look, but he continued to stare. I turned away and listened in on Alex and Louis' conversation, but felt Harry's eyes on me.

The ride took forever to end, and even exiting the cart, Harry's eyes were still glued to me. Alex and Louis went to buy some popcorn, so I sat down at a table near the roller coaster. Harry's tall frame cast a shadow over me as he stood up next to me, and eventually sat down across from me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2013 ⏰

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