Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: I woke up to the sound of my mother's voice outside of my bedroom door. "Dinner's ready!"

I groaned and rolled out of bed, walking to my bathroom and brushing my hair. My makeup was smeared across my face and my clothes were wrinkled. I quickly reapplied my makeup and tugged a sweatshirt over my head.

I ran downstairs, seeing Harry sitting at the table. The only spot left was the spot next to him. I slowly sat down, regretting taking this long to get ready.

"It's good, mom." My brother complimented my mother's cooking. I wasn't that hungry, so I just twisted my fork around in my spaghetti.

I felt something brush up against my leg. I thought it was my dog, Aero, but he was sitting in the corner of the kitchen. I held my breath once I felt Harry's hand on my thigh. I tried to keep my cool and attempted not to scream at him.

His hand creeped up my leg. I was becoming extremely furious at him. I felt his hand change position and jumped up, my chair smacking the wall. I picked up my plate and brought it to the garbage, scraping away any left over spaghetti and throwing it into the sink.

Harry was smirking at me, obviously pleased with himself. He's 17, I'm 16. This is truly disgusting. What's he think he's going to do? Take away my virginity? Definitely not. He could easily turn every girl on, but once they discover who he really is, most wouldn't be interested at all.

I walked back upstairs to my bedroom again. I was bored out if my mind. I started thinking about what I wanted for my birthday. I really wanted a car, but we can't afford another one, and my mother is always using it for work. My family is running low on money.

I could get a job at a small place. I logged onto my laptop and looked up places around my town in need of help. There were many options, but I couldn't find one I was interested in. I continued scrolling down the page. Animal Shelter. I clicked on the link for the web page and scrolled through the application. I printed it and began filling it out, all I needed was a parent's signature.

I set the application on my desk. My phone vibrated in my pocket, alerting me that I had a new text message.

I opened it up, "Hey Trinity."

I didn't recognize the number, "Who is this?"

"Take a guess."

I angrily pressed the buttons on my keyboard, "Harry, I don't want your number. Why are you even going to bother?! I have no interest in you whatsoever. Please leave me alone."

"'s Jason." The stranger replied. Jason was in my math class. He's always been every girls dream guy.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I though you were my brother's friend! I'll add you to my contacts now." I replied with embarrassment.

"Haha! It's fine! So what are you doing Friday night?" He asked.

I smiled to myself, "Nothing, yet. You?"

He replied right away, "Well, I was hoping to take a special someone to the movies."

"And who is this "special someone"?" I asked.

"You." He replied with a winky face. I jumped off of my bed and ran downstairs to where my mother was cleaning up dinner.

"Mom! Jason asked me out on a date on Friday!" I squealed.

"Oh, that's good, honey!" She replied. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs, already picking out what to wear.

"Pick me up at 7." I texted him.

"Sounds great." He replied.

As I was looking through my closet, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Who's Jason?" Harry's deep voice asked.

"He's the hottest guy in the whole school! Didn't you know that?" Alex mocked me. I walked up to my door to hear them better.

"I bet he's an ass then." Harry stated.

"How did you know?" Alex asked.

"Because all of the popular, hot guys are normally jerky jocks on the school football team that bully the hockey players." He replied.

"I'm guessing you've had experience at your old school." Alex said.

"Yeah. He cheated on my girlfriend." Harry announced. I actually felt some sympathy for him, but then I remembered what he did at dinner. I walked away from the door and began looking through my clothes again, picking out the perfect outfit.

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