New Friends

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Chapter 2- New Friends



"I mean, who does she think she is?" I ranted, "Taking my seat in math! Calling me an asshole! She's the asshole!"

"Dude, chill, I'll sort her out." Brad smirked.

"Yeah, man. It'll be cool." James agreed.

Everyone turned to Connor, "How do you know Miller?" I asked.

He turned bright red, "I-I know her mum. And we were mates. No biggy." He shrugged.

"How long have you known her?" James pushed.

"Years." Con answered with ease.

"Why have you never told us this?" Brad asked.

"You never talked about her, so I didn't mention it." He shrugged.

"Fair play, Con. Fair play." I nodded.


"Honey, I'm home!" I yelled at the top of my voice, dropping my skateboard on the floor near the front door.

"Hello, my darling daughter." My mother smiled.

"And you too, my wonderful mother." I smiled back.


We both burst out laughing. We were laughing so hard, no sound was coming out and we literally looked like a bunch of retarted sealions.

After we calmed down, mum asked, "How was school?"

"Eh. As always." I shrugged.

"Any gossip?" You see my mother isn't like any other mother. No. My mum is sick/awesome/funny/cool/swaggy and most importantly...she's my mum.

"Nah...wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! I got into a verbal fight with a kid called Tristan Evans."

"Spill sista." Mum eagiler sat down on the stool at the counter.

"Well, it all started when I was late to school-"

"Late again? Really? I'm going to start waking you up at 6!"

"6pm?" I asked hopefully.

"No, 6am! What you gunna do about it?" She laughed.

"Erm, not get up at 6am?" I laughed with her.

"Anyway, continue."

"I walked to math and sat at the back of the class. Then Evans came in and started saying," I coughed and changed into a deep voice,

"Miller, you're in my seat. Move."

I changed back into my normal voice, "And I was like nah."

"Then what happened?" Mum asked.

"Connor politely asked me to move but I refused and they all ended up sitting somewhere else." I high-fived mum.


"At break, Evans came up to me again. But I was like 'sorry, my mum said not to listen to assholes'." Mum burst out laughing.

"And Jordan says you're awesome." I ended.

"Tell my Jord, he's a babe and I love him." Mum grinned.

"Will do, mamá." I saluted her off and went into my room.

My room was a lime green colour with posters of ATL, Green Day, Ariana Grande, Shawn Mendes and Magcon on them.

My room is pretty big, the down side is that it's opposite a certain bad boy named Tristan Evans.

Living With The Bad Boy// Tristan EvansWhere stories live. Discover now