Do I Need To Repeat Myself

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Chapter 5-Do I Need To Repeat Myself



I unmuted the phone, "You're still talking?"

"You've not even been listening! Bad girl!" He scolded.

I snorted, "Cheers."

"I'm hanging up."

"Are you or are you not?"

"I am."

"Okay." I was right behind him and noone noticed me.

"Damn, that chick's annoying." I saw Mike take a glance at me.

"I wouldn't say that if I were you."

"Why, you scared she's gunna beat me up?" He teased.

"You know, Brandy, he's right. I won't beat you up. But, I'll make sure you're scared of me and won't mess with Mikey again." He spun around.

Dang, he was tall.

Dang, he was tall

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"Hey there." Brandon winked.

"Don't 'hey there' me." I spat, "Why did you have Mike's phone?"

"It was only a-"

"Why, did you have Mikey's phone!"

"Yo, Zar, chill." A familiar voice said.

I looked behind Brandon and there stood Tristan-Fuçking-Evans.

"Well, now it all makes sense." I rolled my eyes.

"Look, Zariah, I know we haven't gotton off on the right foot-"

"You can say that again." I mumbled.

"-But, I want to apologise. Maybe we could be cool with each other?"

I let out a cold chuckle, "Fuçk no and you know why? Because you've been an asshole the past 2 days!"

"And I apologise!"

"But I don't forgive you!"

"Why are you being so difficult?" He exasperated.

"Difficult's my middle name." I scoffed.

"I thought sassy was." Mikey chipped in.

"That too." I nodded.

"Stay out of it Michael." Brandon spat.

"Shut your mouth!" Jordan towered over Brandon and Brandon was tall.

"Who's this barf-bag?" One of Brandon's mates asked.

"You're a barf-bag! And Jordan is my best friend!" I gave him a cold look, "Give Mike his phone back."

"Here." He tossed it to him.

"Now, scurry off, don't want to keep you mummy waiting for your din dins!" I smiled.

Brandon laughed, "Nice try but my mum-"

I held out his phone and read aloud, "Brandy, dinner's ready. Come home. Mummy xoxo."

"You little bitch!"

"Bitch is a dog. Dogs bark. Bark is on trees. Trees are nature. Nature is beautiful, so thank you for that compliment." I smiled even wider.

"You are testing my patience, Princess."

"Uh-huh." I answered not paying attention. I was trying to understand what Courtney was trying to say.

ZARI, I have good and bad news.
Luke asked me out
But I barely know him
Taking me out for ice cream

I chuckled and replied,

Just tell him u dont like icecream
Be urself
U 2 well suit
The feels, Courts

I smiled and turned to Mike, "Luke asked Courts out and you didn't tell me?"

"Luke did what! Aww, my baby boy's growin up!" Highlighter put a hand on his chest.

"This is sweet and all-- sorry, I was told not to lie-- this is gross and all and go away." Tristan said.


"Yes." I shook my head, "No."

"Get outta here!" He screamed.

"Why don't you." I answered bored.

"B-because we were here first."

"Why did you call me?" I asked.

"What are you-"

"On Mike's phone."

"I dunno, we just did." He shrugged.

I gave him a blank stare and then turned outraged, "Don't you DARE do that again! Or so help me I will go straight to your mother and tell her every single little bit about what you do during school!"

"See if I care."

"You will care when she finds out you cheat on tests; get low grades; and bully other kids; smoke; do drugs shall I continue?"

His face went pale.

"That's what I thought. Now every single one of you get out of my sight."

A couple started to shuffle away, "DO I NEED TO FUÇKING REPEAT MYSELF!!!??"

"No ma'am." They said and walked quickly away.

All that was left was me, Jordan and Mikey.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side." Mikey asked.

"Will do, Highlighter, will do." I turned to Jords, "What about you?"

"You love me and could never hate me." Jordy smirked.

"True, Jords. True."

End of Chapter 5.

I don't know whether this chapter was good or not. I feel like it wasn't. Haaalp!!

Do you think it will be the last time you hear from Brandon or not?

Song of the UPDATE!!

Don't be a silent reader xD

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