Part 2: awakening

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i am going to tell about the time i awakened as a therian, but first let me tell you some background stuff.

when i was little my favorite animal was a cat but for some reason when ever me and my siblings played an animal game , i was always a wolf puppy or something . also even when we weren't playing a game i would go around the house on all fours with my tong out. and i remember one time when i was super young maybe 4, i was outside in the dark i can't remember why though, but i looked at the moon and it was a full moon and i just remember sitting down facing the moon and i howled.

so that's how i was when i was younger. and even just 2 years ago i wondered why no one elts did the weird things like whimpering when sad or yelping when stubbing a toe or something ... and i have also been caught growling at my teachers by some other kids in the class. i didn't understand how it was weird but i guess with being around "normal " people for so long i stopped...

when i was 12 my favorite animal was a fox ( i'm only telling you this so you know i am not just a fake therian ) and on the night of the Super Moon me and my friend decided to do something fun that had to do with the moon. ( lol i begged her because i just loved the moon sooooo much and it was the biggest moon ever ) and we were online and we typed moon spell on youtube. we found a bunch of stuff about werewolf spells ( which i know are fake but we just did it for fun ) we picked one and we went outside and preformed the "spell"

a while after that i started watching random youtube videos about wolves and i ended up finding "Wolfie Blackheart ) and i liked the tails and the howling stuff sounded fun so i started looking into more of that stuff.

eventually i found therianthropy and i related to it A LOT!!! and so i researched more into it. i used to joke around a lot with my friend that i was not a human and even though it sounded like i was joking i really meant it. i just never felt like i belonged in the body i have.

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