Part 3: awakening

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eventually i started wondering what my theriotype was. and at the time my fave animal was a fox but ifelt like i was a wolf... but because of all of the other wolves and the "fake therians " i didn't want other therians to not accept me as a therian just because i was a wolf. so then i was thinking " well my fave animal is a fox so maybe i'm a fox. and i kept on trying to force myself to be a fox when it was clear i didn't even match them at all other than the fact i belonged in a forest. eventually i decided that i can't change who i a,m and i decided to do more research on wolves anyways. after a lot of research i knew i was a wolf and so then i decided to find out what kind of wolf i was. after a while i decided i was a grey wolf that just happened to have white fur. then i realized that arctic wolves are actually descendants from grey wolves. so i researched them too and i just knew i was an arctic wolf.

by this point i was still quiet about everything because i knew my parents wouldn't accept me as i was and i decided they didn't need to know . but i did tell my friends and we all had this big moment where we all meditated because they liked the idea and wanted to know if they were one too. at first i thought " oh hey i can start a pack now!!!" but later they started saying how they were all wolves and i told them they didn't have to be a wolf ... that there are others like cats and stuff. but then they all said " i know i just want to be a wolf because you are " and that's when i knew they were just faking it . and that they thought it was just some kind of game or something that we do for fun. this made me sad. but then i just decided to let them have fun. and i stopped having pack meetings with them and then the pack broke up. at first i was sad because i didn't know any other therians offline . then i realized that it doesn't matter. because i know i will find a pack eventually.

i really hope this wasn't just a rant lol but bye!!!!!!!!!!!

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