part5: telling my parents

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                             my parents are suuuuuper religious so I didn't really end up telling them but because of my YouTube videos and my internet history and rumors going on with me and my friends when I told my friends *sigh* I ended up being caught by my parents at first I thought it was okay and that they wouldn't mind because it does no harm to me to be a therian but I was wrong

At first it was horrible because they kept on thinking and saying that I was being tempted by the devil and then they stopped letting me use computer and it was super bad

My whole family found out and that includes every half sibling and cousin well they found out and everyone kept on trying to tell me that I was wrong this really bugged me in fact it made me super depressed at first I was angry at everyone but now I learned to deal with it

If you are wanting to tell your parents that you are a therian and they are super religious then... I'm sorry... Don't tell them until you are out of the house... Or you are old enough 4 then to not control you... Because its not worth you going through the pain I went through when you can just wait

If your parents are not super religious then start by
Number one... Don't full on tell them at first Kind of give random comments on how you relate or act like an animal... Warning do not say you Love the animal because in the future they will get the wrong idea

Number 2... After they realize that you do act like the animal tell them that you have done research on the animal
Number 3... start telling them that you acting or relating with an animal was given its own name... And let them know you plan to look it up... Example... it turns out relating with an animal is so common that it was given its own name I'm going to look more into it...

Number 4... tell them that therianthropy is someone having a spiritual connection with an animal and that you feel you can relate

If this is not good enough for you and your family then move to number 5

Number 5... Look for Therian videos on YouTube on how to tell your parents you are a therian and try to find a video that has a specific piece of the video meant for your parents to watch show your parents this will help them understand there is more and how you actually want them to accept you by putting in the effort looking for the video and showing them

This was not much but it's enough for now bye

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