part4: lonely wolf

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This is going to be really short because im typing it on a phone and i am not good at texting...also just so you know...i didnt upload a chapter last week because the week before that then i uploaded two already...also i got lazy lol...

Well this chapter is going to be about like right after i awakened as a therian and how i learned to cope with being alone

Let me kinda tell you what it was like while i was alone

After i found out i was a therian i was really happy... But i was also very lonely because i had no pack and i did not know any other therians in my area... It sucked. I was really lonely.. And i was not able to tell anyone of my belifes becuase i didnt want them to tell my mom and every one elts in school. So i just kept quiet.

These are all of the things i did in order to make myself feel proud of being a therian . and helped also to make me feel less lonely all of the time...also most of these you can do on the internet but some you need either money or a ride and time lol but i hope this helps at least a littlebit...

1. I would watch youtube videos made from other therians......this mainly helped me because its just nice to see the personality of other therians. Also its just fun to do.. Its even just a small reminder to know that im not alone even when it feels like i am
2. Watch youtube therian tributes....this helps me because a lot of the time it has words telling you not to feel sad and to remember that your not alone... Also seeing all of the pictures they put on just makes me happy ☺
3. Drawing a picture of the therians i see on youtube....this works for me simply because of the youtube helps me feel close to the therian on yiutube...also it gives yourself an excuse to actually sociolize with the therian in order for them to see the awesome picture you drew
4. Read therian diarys....this helps me mainly because of practicllally the exact same reason....because it lets me know that there are other therians having the exact same problems that you are. And even if they arent having the same problems then they have advice for the problems...
5 the last thing i do is i go to a forrest and just lie this doesnt really make you not feel just helps you to meditate in order for you to accept that your alone at the time...and that its ok... Even if there are no other therians that are around you physically.. It doesnt mean there arent still therians out there for you and even just being able to axept your nontherian froends as they are ... After all they cant just change who they are.. Let alone just become a therian... So just be happy

So i know that this was short but honestly i dont really care ... Its not like im trying to impress just giving you my opinion or experiance...

I hope that this manneged to help some of you well bye ☺

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