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  They ran. And ran. And ran. Endlessly traveling through the long dim corridors of this nightmarish world. The paintings were their enemies, and their only friends were each other. That was what kept them sane, having someone to talk to, to hold when afraid, to be with for comfort. There were four. Two were young girls. One dark haired and quiet, the other blonde and peppy. If memory served right, their names were Ib and Mary. Then, there was a tall purple-haired man. He was kind and generous, and in a sense was the protector of the two. His name was Garry. There was a fourth one, whose name was long forgotten.

Each had a rose. Ib's was red, Mary's was yellow, Gary's was blue, and the female young adult's one was silvery white. Each rose matched the color of what they were wearing, and each knew the importance of their rose.

They had all woken up at a point of the journey, and all were happy to join the group. They had fought past inamaginable monsters, puzzling rooms, and had protected their roses. Each would help one another, defend one another, and fight for another. Their bond became inseparable, and strongly trusted each other. They felt unstoppable.

Until they found out the truth. One of their members wasn't one of them, they were from the world they were trapped in. They didn't want to believe it, but in the room inside the toy box, they were foolish to turn a blind eye. Ib was lying on the floor, eyes glazed and chest covered in bloody stab wounds. The girl in white was next to her, shaking her.

"Wake up Ib, WAKE UP!" She screamed, eyes raw and tears streaking her face. She was long gone. Why did he do this...

"She was a CHILD!" She screamed at Garry, his grin wide and sadistical. He toyed with his knife, licking Ib's blood off the blade.

"She was ANNOYING. Mary was ANNOYING too, so I KILLED both of the brats~!" He giggled, sauntering towards the visibly shaking woman.

"You disgusting, horrible MONSTER!" She screamed in anger, flipping out her switchblade and lunging towards him. He simply grinned, and easily dodged the frantic attack.

"DIE!" She screamed over and over, trying again and again to stab him. However he was too agile, and he quickly knocked the switchblade out of her hand.

"NO!" She panicked, but before she could move he stabbed her arm.

"AGGGHHH!!" She screamed in pain, clenching her poor left arm. Crimson blood trailed down her arm, onto her hand, and dripped off her fingers.

"If you keep trying to hurt me, I'll hurt you back~!" He playfully wiggled his finger. She was confused. Not because he hurt her, but because he didn't hurt her MORE.

"Why... am I... still.. alive?" She gasped through pain, glaring at him. He giggled.


"Because what!?"

"Just because!" He giggled again, as if trying to hold a secret.

"Then just END ME ALREADY!" She yelled, pointing to her heart. She'd rather die than spend another second in this world, with HIM.

"Now why would I do that?" His voice dropped, dragging the blade across her jawline.

"I like you toooo much~!" He suddenly grabbed her by her good arm and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Let. Go!" She tried shoving him, but he was too strong to budge. Damn it!

"I'm NEVER letting you go! I get lonely here. That's why I brought you here in the first place~!" He playfully twirled her around until she couldn't see straight.

"Then why bring Ib and Mary into this!?" She accused him, her head still spinning.

"I wanted to keep all of you, but they weren't fun at all." He shrugged. To keep him distracted, she kept questioning his actions.

"Why weren't they 'fun' enough?" She glanced at Ib's corpse, and almost instantly felt bile rise in her throat.
"Ib was too quiet and cautious, while Mary was too loud and careless. Gotta have both, ya know? And besides, they're WAAYY too young~!"

"Besides my age, how am I different?" She asked, inching closer and closer to Garry's empty painting at the end of the room.

"You're a variety of things, you're complicated! You're three dimensional not just literally but mentally!" He grabbed her wrists, smiling ever so "sweetly".

"Ib and Mary both had different sides to them. You just didn't take the time to give them a chance!" She blurted, then realized what she said.


"I TOOK ALL MY TIME! EVERY PUZZLE, AND ENEMY WAS A GODDAMN CHANCE! THEY WERE JUST PLAIN BORING!" He screamed at her. She took this chance to run to his painting. She ripped it off the wall, and used it as a shield.

"DON'T MOVE OR I'M RIPPING THIS UP!" She screamed back, hugging the painting for secure measures. He stopped screaming and turned around. His eyes widened and he screamed.

"NONONONONO!"He lunged towards her. She narrowly dodged his attack, however hurting her already badly injured arm. She groaned in pain, and that was all he needed. He tore the painting from her hands, leaving her without level of ground.

"Shit!" She cursed, and then took off running towards the exit.  

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