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She pushed away when he said those words.

He was LYING. He just wanted her to embrace him and LOVE him.

But she knew better. She knew he was telling the truth, to a certain extent.

That WAS her intention, her thoughts. And, in a way, he WAS giving her a second chance. She wanted to live again, but in the real world. She wanted to see the people she cared about, she wanted to travel, and she just now truly wanted to live her life, because she thought that know, it would be impossible.

"You're lying, Garry." She said simply, glaring straight into his demonic eyes. He almost looked shocked.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because you KNOW I'd NEVER be happy being anywhere near you. Yes, you've saved me from death, but this is already Hell." She pushed him back, startling him.


"But, if I ever find my way out, I won't end my life, because it's just begun. I'm going to finish college, find a job, travel, and enjoy times with my friends and family. I know that I'll have some crappy times in my life, but in a way, that makes life more bearable because it'll make the good times even sweeter." She replied firmly, pushing him through the room. He was too flabbergasted to speak. She eventually trapped HIM against the opposite wall, causing him to fall down onto the couch. The dolls were shrieking.



"LET. ME. LEAVE." She grabbed his knife, and held it against his neck.

"But I love you!" He pleaded. She laughed.

"You killed two innocent kids in front of me. You try to kidnap me. WHY the FUCK should I give a CRAP about YOUR feelings!?"


"I don't care what you think or say. I once did, but that man was just a mirage. Now let me out of this nightmare, or I'll DO IT MYSELF." She whispered menacingly. Eyes wide, he nodded. The dolls cried in agony, burning up in black flames. A large mural of the ocean appeared on the floor.

"You go through that." He pointed towards it. She walked to the edge, but before diving she turned around to him.

"I'm surprised you're letting me go this easily."

"..." He didn't respond. She shrugged, then dived.


"Ib? Ib? Where are you, Ib?" A worried mother and father searched through the gallery, unable to find their precious daughter. A young woman with a white dress gazed at them from afar, sorrow drowning her expression. She walked out of the museum, and breathed the fresh air. She smiled and closed her eyes, feeling the warm summer breeze play with her dark lockes of hair.

You find yourself in a pit. This pit is very deep and wide, and the walls are polished smooth stone. It's nearly impossible to climb to the top by one's self. You see no ways of escape, and no one seems to be at the top of the pit trying to help. However, in reality there ARE people up there, and they're ALL trying to lower ropes and ladders down to you. They are shouting frantically for you to grab on, but you don't. You just can't see them. But if there's even just one person that is able to break through that barrier, not only will you see them but you'll start to see the others as well. Eventually, you'll see the ropes and ladders that surround inside the bottom of the pit.
Then it's your choice. Will you choose to stay in the pit, fearing everything is just an illusion or trick and wither away, or will you grab onto the rope, lift yourself up, and continue your life in happiness and confidence? The choice is yours.

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