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  "I need to go to a hospital!" she finally replied to Garry's question. She begged herself to keep her act together. As long as he thought that she thought she was safe, he wouldn't try anything on her.

The "real people" all immediately whipped out their phones and called the ambulance. She barely noticed this, however, since the man she had tried to escape was now just a few feet away.

"The ambulance is coming. Please, lie down and rest." He showed her a plush velvet couch that rested in a corner. She shakily shook her head.  

"N-No. If I fall asleep, I'll be in the same world as I was. Please, just let me go outside." She tried to brush past him, but he grabbed her arm.

"You REALLY need to lie down." His voice fell into a deep murmur, silky smooth and melodic. No. This couldn't be the real world, could it? Or was she lost for so long that it became impossible to distinguish the differences between nightmares and reality?

Wait, of COURSE it wasn't! And she was facing the man of her nightmares!

"Let go of me! I need to see the outside world! I need fresh air!" She continued to lie, squirming out of his grip. She bolted down the halls. Everyone seemed to try to stop her, but this just made her more determined to reach the door. However, the halls seemed to go on for eternity, and each section was longer than the last.

Eventually she slowed to a stop, catching her breath. She glanced behind herself to check if anyone was following her. Instead she found a dead end and the same velvet couch as before sitting at the end. There was a large fluffy pillow propped against an arm. Next to the couch was Garry, his eyes hidden by purple lockes. Surrounding him and the couch were little strange-looking dolls, who were snickering and chatting amongst themselves.

She was terrified. Hopeless. Vulnerable. Useless.

"Why don't you sit down, my little rose~?" Garry giggled along with his doll companions. She stepped back, but to her shock felt her head and back collide with a hard surface. Another wall. There were no windows or paintings, and strangely no lights even though the former hallway was bright. The walls were a dull white, like the floors. All there was to look at was him.

".... I want to go outside." That was all she could say. He cocked his head to the side.

"Why? Don't you like it in here~?"

"No, and I never will."

"Are you suuuuurreee~?"

"Yes Garry, now let me leave." She clutched her rose in her pocket, waiting for what would happen next. Garry lifted his head. His eyes were pitch black except for a tiny purple slit in the center. Her throat tightened, her pulse quickened, and her body began to freeze. He was a demon.

"Do you know WHY you can't remember your name~?" He taunted.

"Why?" She had to stay strong.

"Cuz then you'd remember~!"

"Remember what?"

"Who you ARE." He whispered.

Wait... who WAS she!? How did-.. HOW did that not pass through her mind!!??

"WHO AM I!?" She began screaming, punching her head repeatedly. After all this, WHY DIDN'T SHE KNOW?

"I know who you are." He responded, stepping towards her slowly. She was pulling her hair, screaming and withering.

"THEN WHO AM I!?" She screamed at him. He laughed, grabbing her waist and pulling her into his sickingly warm embrace. She began to bawl, stuffing her head against his shirt, soaking it with her tears. Right then she didn't care if he was a psychotic murderer. Right then she didn't care if he was a painting. She just needed to hold SOMEONE. She needed to know.

"You were a depressed girl who lived a life no one would want, and you were going to kill yourself after looking at your favorite art piece for the last time, which was a painting of four roses intertwined." He explained, eerily calm. She stopped crying. He continued. "I saw you multiple times, and knew what you were going to do. I SAVED you. I gave you a chance to live with ME."

Demented GarryWhere stories live. Discover now