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  She headed into the large cottage-like estate. Once passing through the door, the temperature immediately dropped. Soon ice crystals spread across the large dark walls and her breath became white puffs. She shivered, thankful her dress was long sleeved. The estate seemed to be one gigantic ballroom, with crystal chandeliers and a beautiful dark blue rug that spread throughout the whole floor. The ice on the walls looked like intricate designs, adding a unique style to the room. If it hadn't been so cold, the woman would have taken to admire these such details.

The temperature was still dropping. Her teeth chattered profusely. She ran back outside into the warm cave, trying to shake off the cold. Before leaving the building she had spotted a large door on the other side. She wasn't sure how she would get to it though, seeing how the temperature would rapidly drop every moment.

"What if I soak my dress in that water again... actually that'd be a horrible idea. Once the heat of the water disappears, I'd be left with a frozen dress!" She thought out loud. She looked down at the stone ground. She decided to take off her shoes. Once her bare foot touched the cave, she smiled. The stone itself was hot, and clearly not from the water. Actually, the stone above was almost certainly hotter. That would explain the burning hot water. She spotted a rock pile of the red stone in a corner. She ran to it, grabbed several and stuffed them into her dress. Then she put her shoes back on, and put some in there too. Immediately throughout her body spread a fiery warmth. Soon it felt almost to hot.

She quickly ran back into the cottage-mansion. Immediately the air cooled, and the ice started to reappear. She could feel the stones becoming increasingly warmer as the room did the opposite. She ran down the long carpet, nearing the door. She couldn't put any stones on her face or knees, but the warmth of the stones seemed to somehow reach everywhere. The door was just a few yards away. The stones's heat began to fade. She panicked as a cold rush passed her body, quickening her speed. She reached the door, and turned the handle right before all at once the stones crumbled into oblivion and left her in peril. It opened, and she rushed through.

The next room was the wire forest that she previously considered going into when there were the three paths. She sighed, but neither the less she continued.

WHERE WAS SHE!? He tried running after her, but she was too quick. He saw her running up the staircase, but it would melt away as soon as she passed the step. The gallery didn't want the game of cat and mouse to end so quickly, it seemed. He smirked. Not even the gallery would keep hide her away from him forever. He had spies. He WOULD find her, and when he did... She was gonna have a bad time.


The wires sparked and crackled near her, always causing her to jump from nerve. At a point she was almost shocked by one, by luckily jumped out of the way at the last split second. The place seemed to go on forever. The wires became thicker, more tangled, and in larger quantities.

"When will this end," she groaned, pushing wires out of her way as she trudged, "I can't take much more of this!" She tripped on a thin wire, and tumbled down a steep slope. "WAAAAHHHHH!" She cried in surprise, rolling down. THUMP! She landed on her face. It hurt. She struggled to stand up, and when she did she gasped. She was back in the main gallery room with the paintings, but there were other people.

She looked behind where she had fallen from. Behind her was a large case that held a model of the forest of wire. Parents with children and employees stared at her with blank eyes. She had dirt, grime, burns, and a large stab wound. Her dress was in rags too. She realized she probably looked insane, but that didn't matter. She began laughing. She laughed and laughed, tears of joy and shock practically leaping from her eyes. She cried and cried. It felt so GOOD to be back...

"Um, excuse me, but are you okay?" A familiar voice asked in concern. She could barely make the man out from her blurred teary eyes, but she knew who it was. She gasped, backing into the case before wiping her eyes and starting at the man before her.
"G-Garry!?" She squeaked in fear. He frowned curiously.

"How do you know my name? And why are you injured? You need to go to the hospital!" He grabbed her wrist. She slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me!"

"I-I'm sorry, but you need help! I'm calling the ambulance. Please, let me help you." He looked so genuine, so kind. She wished so desperately that this wasn't just another nightmare, but she couldn't bring herself to nod. Instead she took a step around him, and gazed at the people around her. They SEEMED real, but when she squinted through her tears she realized a fatal mistake. The people's legs melted into the floor, hindering their movements. Which meant Garry... Her heart dropped, and she couldn't breathe properly. No. She would pretend this was real, and slink away.

Demented GarryWhere stories live. Discover now