A date?

908 22 1

Today's weather is rather nice.

It's not that hot, but not that cold either.

Its a bit windy actually.

Its those type of weather that makes you want to walk around somewhere.

Preferably somewhere serene and quiet.

Like a park.

With your special someone.

Or someone you like.

But unluckily, Heechul doesn't have neither of that.

Or anyone in that matter.


He is 20 now.

And apparently, single.

His girlfriend, no, his ex-girlfriend just broked up to him for a reason of "You're too... pretty heechul-ah and its... makes me insecure and question my self esteem. I'm sorry but lets break up.".

Like, what the fuck is that?

Is that even a reason for breaking up with someone?

He sighed again.

Continuing to devour his lollipop while laying lazily in his bed.

Just when Heechul thought that he is going to die because of boredom, his room mate, Yunho, barged in rudely in his room while calling his name.

"Heechul hyuuuuuuuung!"

The door slammed opened.

Reaveling a flustered Yunho.

Yunho is one of his closest friend.

Also one of his house mate.

He is younger than Heechul because he is just 18 but he is taller than the older guy.

Heechul observed Yunho for a while.

'Yunho is quiet good looking', Heechul conclude to himself.

'I'm more good looking though.'

He smirk.

"What do you want Yunho? And don't you heard about the word 'knocking'? You know, before barging in someone else's room?"

Heechul preach to the younger.

But Yunho is used to his house mate/room mate sassiness now.

So he just smile sheepishly and went straight to Heechul's bed where Heechul is lying lazily with a lollipop in his small mouth.

"Hi Heechul! How are you?"

Yunho said to Heechul with a huge grin in his face and now sitting his self comfortably beside Heechul's lying figure in the bed.

PRETTY BOY (HEECHUL & YUNHO)Where stories live. Discover now