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Ring ring ring 🎶

Heechul phone continue ringing.

He is not going to give up huh?

He thought to himself.

What do you want from me Yunho?

He sighed.

Its been a week since the date that turn to tragic happened.

And since that day Yunho haven't stop messaging and calling him.

Saying "I'm sorry Heechul hyung" "Can we talk?" "Please go out from your room hyung".

Its not like Heechul is mad to Yunho.

He is not mad at all.

He is more...


Than mad actually.

His thoughts is been muddled since that day.

Questions like;

Why did he do that?

Does it mean something?

Does it mean something to him?

Does it mean something to me?

He feels like his head is going to explode from all the question he is been thinking.

I just wanna sleep.

He thought.

But the damn phone of his won't stop ringing because of Yunho's non stop calls and messages.

Why are you so stubborn Yunho?

Heechul asked Yunho in his mind.

Why are you so stubborn?


His stomach suddenly growl.


I guess I'm hungry.


He snorted.

He just finished a whole box of pizza.

He doesn't understand why his stomach is being hungry again.

Maybe it's because I haven't been doing anything other than laying and watching tv here in my room?

He thought again to himself.

It's just a good thing that he have his own personal ref in his room.

Well, his and Yunho's room.

But since he is avoiding Yunho, he refused to open the door to let the other guy in.

He knows that he is being unfair but he just doesn't think he is ready to face Yunho.


I'm tired of thinking.

I'm just going to eat.

He said to himself.

Loudly this time.

He stand up to go to the refrigerator.

But immediately stop when he hear someone is knocking on the door.

Who is that?

He asked his self.

Heechul hyung?

Are you there?

Of course you are there.

Can we talk, please?

Let me explain.

Are you play there hyung?

You have been eating right?

Please tell me you do.

I'm so sorry hyung.

I'm really sorry hyung.

Heechul is been shock frozen.

He doesn't move through out of Yunho's speech.

What is he saying?

Heechul thought to himself.


My head is aching.

He frown.

All of this thinking made my head ache.

This is all your fault Yunho.

He glared to the door.

Thinking that the man who is the reason to why his head is aching is in the other side of the door.


He leave already?

He asked himself.


I have been talking to myself for a while now. I must be going crazy.

He laugh to himself.

I miss you hyung.

He freeze.


The damn bastard is still there?

What do you want from me Yunho?!

He shouted to Yunho in his head.

I just want to explain hyung.

Give me a minute hyung.

Please talk to me.

Yunho answered in the other side of the door.

Heechul's eyes turn wide.

What the?

I didn't say that out loud right?


The other guy talked again.

I did say it out loud. Just great.

He roll eyes to his self.


Are you okay there hyung?

He sighed.

Its the time huh?

Seems like I don't have a choice but to talk to him now.

He sighed again.

He count 1 to 10 then he started walking to the direction of the door.

When he already have his hand to the door knob all of the question he is been thinking came back to him like a mad hurricane.

Forcing his head to answer all of it.


I really need to get it out of my system now before I got crazy.

He nod to himself.

Good luck to me.

He said to himself.

Then finally...

He open the door.

Hi! Thanks for reading 😉 Please wait for the next chapter.

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