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Heechul is content with just staying at home and playing some video games from time to time.

And it's not like he have that many people to hang out with.

So he didn't exactly expect the feelings that he is feeling now that he is outside in the safeness of his room.

There are so many people.

He said.

More to himself than to the guy he is with.

He observed the crowd.

Of course. This place is one of the famous Burger house here in Seoul.

Answered from the guy no other than Yunho.

Its been a while since Yunho and Heechul hang out.

Heechul is busy with his girlfriend before.

While Yunho is busy with...


Heechul didn't know.

Even though he considered Yunho as one of his closest friend he doesn't exactly know many things about the younger.

Guess like I've been a clueless friend all this time.

He thought.

He doesn't even know that Yunho is dating someone.

Which is the reason he is now together with the younger.

Apparently, Yunho is going to meet some of her date friends and the younger seems nervous about it.

Because being approved by your date friends is a MUST based on Yunho's explanation when Heechul had asked why he is so nervous.

Heechul just said okay to the younger when he said that.

He doesn't understand though.

He doesn't understand why Yunho is being nervous.

He is sure that Yunho's date friends will absolutely like Yunho.

Because Yunho, is well, likeable.

Heechul always thought of Yunho as a likeable person.

And Yunho is very friendly too.



He is sure the younger will win his date friends approval even without trying.

So he doesn't understand why Yunho needs him to be by his side now.

He stare to Yunho.

Wingman huh? I thought they only do that in the bar.

I'm more like a thirdweel.

He thought to himself.

Is there a problem hyung?

Yunho asked him.

It seems that the younger notice his staring.

Ah. No. Nothing.

He answered casually.

As casual as he can do when he just caught staring to his younger friend.

Are you sur-

What is your order ma'am, sir?

Yunho's speech is interrupted.

They both looked to the waiter.

PRETTY BOY (HEECHUL & YUNHO)Where stories live. Discover now