Chapter 14: Operation Love Confession PT2❤️

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3rd person POV

Once Kazue reaches the penthouse, he tells everyone," Ok minna-san! My part is finished for today!! All we need to do for the rest of the night is make Jinjin angry at Uncle Monnie!! Mansae!! Kampai!(cheers in Japanese)". Of course everyone hears that and also cheers. Yoongi tells everyone to be quiet and follow him. Everyone stopped and stared then nodded. Yoongi tip toed to the balcony on the second floor to spy on them. Everyone who was in on the plan was watching.

Namjoon POV

"Good job Kazu! Now it's my time to shine. Namjoon just remember that whatever you say to her today, better be worth it for tomorrow night", I told my self. I was hugging Hyejin by her
waist as we were watching the beautiful sunset.

She took off my arms and faced me," Namjoon, we shouldn't be doing this. We aren't even dating".
"What do you mean? Hugging my best friend/sister is a bad thing?",I fired back.
"No, that's not what I mean. I-i". She sighs and continues," You shouldn't be doing this to me, I don't deserve it".

"*showtime* Oh well umm I'm sorry. I don't know of I should tell you this, but I only did this because I wanted Nari to be jealous. I don't know if I've told you but, I- I-uhh like her now. *I'm sorry, don't hate me after this Hyejin!*".

"Ohh.... So i was just a toy then? You used me to get to my best friend that's all right?!", she yelled at me. I could heard her sniffling, and see her tears forming in her eyes. I felt so guilty but it's part of the plan so I have to go with it. "Haha,and here I am, thinking that you actually liked me. But I guess I was wrong, YOU WERE JUST A JERK WHO PLAYED WITH ME! I HATE YOU NAMJOON!!!! I HATE YOU!", she yelled at me. Of course I was hurt, I never meant to say any of that stuff, it felt like half of me was gone, I felt like I wasn't complete. I reached out my hand but she slapped it away," Go away Namjoon, I don't want to see you right now".

"Y'know what, fine you wont have to see me ever again. Besides I'll never love or even like you", I said turning away and walking towards the penthouse.

I opened the door and everyone was there looking at me. All the guilt that was inside of me was eating me inside out. I dropped on my knees and covered my eyes.
"Oh god, it felt so real. I-i feel like she'll hate me forever," I said. I started to have a mental breakdown, thinking that she'll hate me, that she'll think that I'll really never like her.

"Hyung it's ok it'll be worth it. Trust me.", Jungkook said, " Young Eun-noona can you go out and bring Hyejin noona inside?". Listening to the maknae, she went to go fetch her. "Y'know I'm thinking is this will really worth it? I don't want her to hate me.", I told them.

   "Aish! Hyung it'll be worth it!!! Trust us!!", the maknae line yelled. The door opened and revealed Young-Eun with Hyejin who's eyes were red. She stomps her feet to her room and slams it shut. I let out a sigh and just sit on the couch.

*1 hour later*

  Dinner was ready and everyone started to quickly fill up the seats, except for one.

Hyejin's seat was open.

I got up while everyone was staring at me. I just shrugged them off and walked to the kitchen. I started to put food into bowls for the maid to give it Hyejin. "Give this to Hyejin please, and don't tell her I got it for her okay?", I told one of the maids.

  "As you wish Namjoon-ssi."
I came back to the table and started eating.

Hyejin's P.O.V

  I came inside the penthouse after Young- Eun came to cheer me up. She held my hand and forced me towards the house. "Do we have to go inside? I don't want to see him or Nari.", I complained. She just rolled her eyes and pulled me inside.

   Everyone looked at me when I walked up to my room. I closed the door and locked it behind me. I walked soullessly to my bed and broke down. The voices in my head wouldn't stop.

   He never loved you. He never will. You're just as pathetic as Yeong-Sung. Loving someone who always hurts you, someone who doesn't even love you.
"S-stop! Just stop!! No more no more!!", I yelled while hitting my head with my fists.
You know that it's the truth why don't you just accept it? He has his eyes on Nari, not on a pathetic, desperate, stupid, little girl like you. You were just his toy.

"No!! It's not true!!! It's not true!!!!",I sobbed. I don't want to think anymore. I don't want to live anymore. I got up and walked towards my suitcase.

It hurts....... I'm in so much pain.

I quickly rummaged through my case looking for my pills. The pain was increasing and it was getting hard to breathe. I still couldn't find it. All the sudden there was a knock at the door. "Miss. Hyejin, I brought you dinner.", one of the maids replied.

I struggled to the door and I was starting to feel light headed. I unlocked the door and was met by two maids. My eye sight was getting blurry and ears were starting to ring. I don't really remember but I think one of the maids asked if I was alright? I don't know,I'm not sure. "Go get my mother. NOW!", I told them. Seconds later I drop to the ground clenching onto my chest.

"EOMMA!!!", I yelled. She ran towards our room and saw me. "Oh my god! Hyejin! Sweetly are you okay?!", she panicked.
"Did you bring my pills?", I asked desperately.
   She quickly looked through her luggage and took out two pills. I grabbed my water bottle and mother gave them to me. Popping them into my mouth, and slowly feeling the smooth ride as it goes down my throat.

   I was so tired by then. I didn't have to strength to do anything. Eomma helped me towards the bed. She slowly slid me into the blanket. I let my last tears fall as I closed my eyes and slept through the night.

3rd person POV

Mrs. Lee heads back to the dining room with worrisome. "How's she?", Namjoon asked. She looked at him and shook her head. "It's getting worse, this has happened a couple of times already. I'm scared that hat if she doesn't make it the next time", she stated.

Everyone looked at each other in shock. The Vkook couple were whispering back and forth,"She'll make it, I'm sure."
   "How are you so sure Hyung?", Jungkook asked confused.
"Think about it, she'll try to get over the fact that Namjoon Hyung "likes" Nari noona. But at the same time she'll probably think,"I have to be strong and live my life from now on. Forget about him." She's most likely going to say that", Taehyung answers.

  Everyone just listened to the VKook couple discussing. Yoongi was getting annoyed and of course Nari always knew how to make him go into a good mood. Nari stands up and claps her hands ,"alright peoples gather round!". Everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing and came into the living room.

Nari we sitting on the couch waiting for everyone," Hurry everyone!! We need to discuss the plan for tomorrow!!"


I'm so sorry Chingus!!🙏🏼 I have not been active!! I feel so bad!! But school has gotten in the way of writing and because of writers block. Being an 8th grader is so tiring, you have a whole bunch of stuff to prepare for high school. And I'm in advance band and in choir at school so I have to practice a lot, tomorrow I'll be marching in a parade so wish me luck! Once again I'm sorry for not updating.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 and sorry for the crappy chapter. Next one will be better I promise. I love you Chingus!❤️

If I could stay with you (Namjoon/ Rap Monster fan fiction) Bts series: book 1Where stories live. Discover now