*face palms and sighs*

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You know what?

Half of me considers the fact that I might as well be surrounded by people who just go in tears when they see another person go in tears just so they also get attention

And then I have this other half of me that's disagreeing with my first half and says that maybe they're just having a hormonal fit.

Either way, just a message to you guys, I'm done getting my heart ripped to shreds when my friends get hurt. Wanna know why?

Because my heart is broken too much to the point that I gave up. I gave up on trying to convince people to not give in.

Or maybe I'm just tired because I'm sick, and I'm on my period.

Anyways, I'll just pretend that life is normal and hope that my friends will get to their senses.

If not then I'll apologize for my reality drop that will probably backfire on me.

On the bright side, have this adorable picture to brighten you up from my nonsense ramble that will make sense for this one person I know:

On the bright side, have this adorable picture to brighten you up from my nonsense ramble that will make sense for this one person I know:

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