Chapter III

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I rolled over in bed from a short rest seeing the suns finally up. I have a strange feeling my Saturday might be crazy. I have a lot to, First pick up Miranda from her new apartment, go to the beach with Roc and Lil, then back to the house for my first appointment with a wedding planner. I turned to my left at a small note in Prince's usual spot.

From this day forward

You shall not walk alone.

My heart will be your shelter

And my arms will be your home

~Ti amo, your Prince

I smiled down at the rose gently placed on the side. God I love him...

"You're forgetting to add breakfast to your mental to-do list."he smiled coming in with a cup in his hands closing the door behind him. I sat up fixing my hair into a high bun, letting some hair flow down my back. I studied his every move, watching how willowy he looks gracefully walking to me. His skin-tone glowed from the suns morning rays, showing every detail of his chest.

"Do you ever not wear a shirt around me anymore?"I laughed seeing his smile fade to a stopped.

"Is my sexiness bothering you?"he asked pointing to his bare glistening chest.

"Shut up!"I laughed throwing a pillow at his huge head. He laughing catching it before pinning me down in the middle of the bed.

"Make me..."he whispered into my skin kissing it gently. I giggled lightly closing my eyes as he released my wrists feeling down towards my waist. We heard someone clear their throat seeing Mrs.Rossi in the doorway with her hands on her hips, having a slightly annoyed expression flare. I turned to Prince who laid next to me pretending to read a book, upside down.

"You know she saw us right?"I snickered hiding my blush.

"I send you less than a minute to give your fiancée her breakfast and you turn it into making love! Ugh, you're just like your father!"she sighed in frustration throwing her hands up closing the door behind her.

We both looked at each other bursting into laughter.

"Mi dispiace(I'm sorry), I can't help it."he smiled taking my hand while kissing my cheek. I looked to my right, picking up the cup that he brought in from the night stand aside me.

"What the hell is this?"I frowned smelling a strong mixture of blood.

"Celina just drink it."he groaned falling into the pillows.

"No, can't I drink it later!? Roy's stupid blood schedule is already pissing me off!"

"It's only been two days.....stop complaining..."he sighed as I gave him a glare.

"I'm not taking it."I growled about to get up and dump this mess. Its making my stomach turn with disgust. I tried moving but I looked down at him holding my wrist still.

"Let me go."

"Drink it."

"No. Let me go!"

"Celina just drink the damn blood!"

"No!Give me a reason to."I snapped trying to jerk away from his grip. He got up holding me in his arms whispering something I definitely can't live without.

Was that not a great reason ugh......jerk.

"Ok..."I gulped tilling my head a little chugging down the cup. I felt it slime down my throat, burning my insides down to my stomach. I stopped hunching over about to spit it out. Prince grabbed the cup before I ran into the bathroom throwing the whole thing up.

Velvet{Book II}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora