Chapter VI

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Chapter VI

"Okay so Giovanni, Christopher, Diana, Cicily..."

God the list goes on and on.

I rolled my eyes across from Prince in the dinning room slouched on the table. My soon to be mother-in-law was checking off the guest list and who rsvp'd with Liz in the very end of the newly crafted wooden table. Mr.Rossi is the ball room with lighting guys for the dinner party this weekend. Yes, we're getting married in less have two weeks now.
Wooo, no pressure! Just for our wedding she's changed the entire house into the 20s, even our clothing matches. I let it slid without a comment remembering what we "broke" a week or two ago. Oh was she in shock more than less pissed at the both of us. I swear I've never been that much embarrassed in my entire life. Well that was that one time my head got stuck in know what I think I'll delete that memory for the rest of my life.

"Are you two listening?"She asked as we both sat up nodding.

"Good now continue with Francisco and wife Amelia..."

"Ugh."we both sighed looking each others way, reaching for each others hand.

"Stupid new table, I can't reach you!"

I mouthed, pouted crossing my arms.

"Well...we could...ditch..." He smiled reminding me of a few times we skipped school, running off into the forest. I gotta admit, I'll miss high school with everyone, who's normal I mean. They've got short lives to live while all my close friends are currently immortal or some sort of creature.

I sighed with a smile.

"How fast do you'll think she'll notice us gone?"

"I don't know....lets not find out."

He winked sliding down in his chair making me giggle. Liz glanced up from the list not noticing a thing. I felt him touch my ankle, kissing and nibbling up my leg seductively. I bit my lip not wanting to move of make a slight moan. I pushed his head away sliding down as well before he got any closer.

"Would you stop that! You already got us in to trouble for breaking your room?!"

I quietly whispered pointing my finger under the table.

"Oh let's try this new thing Clover taught me Prince, she says its ammmaazing."

He mimicking as I pushed his shoulder.

"Don't act like its all my fault, puffball!"

He then did the same, going back and forth like little kids until one of us decided to kiss silently.

I don't care, it was everything....

I smiled shrugging as he kissed my cheek.

"Come on." He gestured towards the hallway, which luckily was closer on our end. We crawled into the hall slowly getting up with sigh of relief when we walked into the foyer.

"Where to....?"

I asked with a slight smirk.

"How about we venture the forest." He grinned swooping me into his arms running off outside from the front door. Everything is being customly made, even our ceremony chairs for the guest and arch were suppose to stand by in the busy backyard. I don't care about those things, I JUST WANNA MARRY HIM!

"I honestly am starting to consider Vegas if this wedding gets ever bigger."

He laughed placing me on the same rock I found out my aunt died. It may have seemed like a bad memory but the thought that Fred can't hurt my family anymore because he's dead makes up for it.

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