Chapter XVII

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Chapter XVII

The Twelfth night.....

Six months, and my heart hasn't changed. I feel bad for leaving him with our children but it's best.

"I know you'll give them everything I couldn't, love them as their father, and promise to remind them of their mother. Maybe I'll be back...but I want them to know I'll always be thinking of them. Just trust in me that this is what's best. We never meant for any of this to happen and I don't want to bring them in the mess we've both endured this whole time. The more I stay, the more their in danger and I can't bare thinking of what could happen."I kissed both their heads, cuddling each trying not to wake Briar or cry on their fragile little heads."I love you two so much."I bite my lip before looking up to him on the last step of the stairs. Its raining heavily around midnight maybe. No one but us is home, strangely on this night. Its dark with no light but only the windows from lighting. The air is as if someone died of sorrows. Sadness showed in his eyes before I hugged him longing but tightly. With a small goodbye picking up my luggage I was off. I looked back one last time to a man holding two infants that once were my life. I sniffed, wiping my eyes of bloody tears walking straight ahead. I began to feel weak, my heart started to hurt and beat uncontrollably. I released my luggage before noticing how slow and close I was to the marble flooring, trembling to the floor. As if time had slowed, I've passed out on to the floor.......seeing nothing but black killing my mind and sight....

Sia~ Kill and Run

The End.

Just kidding!I wanted freak y'all out for the moment but it is the end.Its not the End End but it's complicated and hopefully not confusing(I've basically told what is yet to come TWICE!)This next chapter it's a new awakening you'll have to read >;)

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