Black Cat ♡ Marinette

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Nothing could bring down Marinette's spirit! Nothing except the flu. Yes, it was flu season in Paris, the only time it would be easy to take down Paris most miraculous duo, Ladybug and Chat Noir, if they were stuck in bed. Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng were out of town for their honeymoon. Marinette, who didn't want to ruin their anniversary with a "small" fever, said she could take care of herself.

"Good thing Hawkmoth doesn't know our identities or he would've just swooped right in and took my miraculous!" Marinette humored while swinging her arms around before being interrupted by a cough and a sniffle.

Tikki, who brought Marinette another tissue box, giggled at the motions Marinette made. "Silly, you shouldn't be moving around so much in this condition!"

Marinette giggled as she settled down once again as Tikki covered her up and tucked her in. She took Marinette's tempurature. "38 c! That's not good, I'll go get you a cold towel." She said as she flew off to the restroom.

Marinette sighed as she turned on her side. A few minutes have passed since Tikki has gone, she got a bit worried and sat up to see what keeping her. "Didn't Tikki say not to move around so much, Princess?" Marinette flinched and looked above her head to find a black cat hanging from her sky light. "You should really take care of your purrrtty little self." He winks and jumps beside her bed. "Chat..." she managed to get out before coughing. Chat Noir hummed and then smirked. Chat pushed Marinette back down on her bed, hovering over her with a devious smirk planted on his face making Marinette feel hotter than she was already. As Chat leaned in, Marinette shut her eyes tightly. She heard a faint chuckle as two warm lips pecked her forehead slightly. "Ouch!" She opened her eyes in surprise. "You're really hot!" He said as he puckered his "burned" lips. Marinette giggled at his silliness and then realized why she wanted to get up.

"Ah! Chat, could you please check on Tikki, she's been missing for a few minutes now. I'm getting worried that she might have accidentally hurt herself, OR WORSE! SHE COULD'VE ACCIDENTALLY FELL DOWN THE DRAIN TRYING TO GET ME A COLD TOWEL! She could hold a grudge against me for leaving her without me checking if something happened to her and then created a group of sewer rats to come and get me for revenge--" Chat interrupted her with a historical laugh.

"You're so cute when you overreact." He managed to get out in between his laugh which made Marinette blush madly. She coughed roughly after the minor meltdown. He patted her head and tucked her in again and went to check on her small friend. A minute later, the two came back.

"Sorry, Marinette, the towel was too heavy so I was stuck." She rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. Marinette took Tikki in her hands and smiled, "I'm just glad you're okay." Tikki smiles as Chat places the cold, wet towel of Marinettes forehead. She made out a relaxed sigh and closed her eyes. She wasn't exactly sleeping because she could still hear Tikki and Chat talking in the background.

"So, what brings you here? And why are you here as Chat instead of Adrien?"

"Well, I was on my daily catrol and I was waiting for my Bugaboo to show up, but she didn't. So, I went to check on her. When I came here, she was sick in bed."

"So, you stopped patrolling Paris for Marinette? As sweet as that sounds, what if someones in danger? You're not doing your job correctly Chat." Tikki lectured.

Marinette tried to supress her laugh but failed to do so, letting out her laugh. Chat and Tikki jump in surprise. "Tikki's right," She said after her laugh was interrupted with a violent cough. "You don't need to worry about me, just go ahead and finish the your patrol." She smiled. Chat Noir blushed and then jumped for the sky light opening, he looked back and chuckled, "You're really cute when you smile." He winked and pranced away into the city leaving behind a flustered Marinette.

"He really is a smooth talker," giggled Tikki as she settled down next to Marinette. "You should get some rest now, hopefully you'll get better by tomorrow morning!" Marinette nods and shuts her eyes, falling asleep before she even notices. Tikki yawns and falls asleep right next to her on the side of her pillow.

After his patrol ended, a tired Chat peeks in through the window and finds the two sleeping peacefully. He silently slid in and smiled over his princess, with the slightest touch, he moves her bangs away and kisses her softly as she lets out a gentle sigh. He chuckles slightly and settles down next to her, laying his arm around her waist. He lats his head besides hers and closes his eyes, whispering in the most quietest voice possible,

"I love you, Marinette."

Yes, Yes, I know, this was a very short story/one shot. I just wanted to post as soon as possible and had no idea what to put next. Well, if you haven't read the first story Miraculous LadyNoir you should go read it now... if you want.. I won't force you.. ehe.

I will be making another story that will be following up to this one called Miraculous Adrienette.

"But, author, why don't you just put all of them in the same story as chapters instead of making new stories?"

Well, my cute little fishy, I want my readers to come and check out my profileand see the other books I have instead of just the one that they're reading. PLUS I like to make the covers.

See you next time!! Thanks for reading!

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