Chapter .02 - The Truth

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Chapter .02 - The Truth

Stiles only found out about his Greek heritage when he turned 10 years old. Most demigods are recruited and brought to Camp Half-Blood by satyrs, but Stiles made his way to the camp via the pack's own veterinarian—Dr. Deaton.

When Stiles mother passed away he was devastated. John—Stiles' step-father—was overwhelmed by grief and worry. He had no idea what to do with the young demigod. Of course, he has always loved Stiles like his own—the boy pretty much is. He was just so worried about what would happen. Claudia had told him everything—all the stories, the good and the bad.

He knew that most demigods don't ever reach their 16th birthday. She told him that she never wanted Stiles to go to camp—that it was too dangerous and will only ruin his life. John believed everything his wife told him and of course, he never wanted to disappoint her.

So, when she passed he became firm on the idea of Stiles never going to the camp. That was short-lived. Less than a year after her death he was approached by Alan. The vet seemed to know everything—John didn't know how or why but he trusted the man.

Alan explained he was a Druid; a being who acts as an emissary to a werewolf pack. He had explained to John that Stiles was beginning to become more noticeable and it is how he himself had learned about Beacon Hill's resident demigod. The Druid also said he could perform a ritual that would help protect the town from Greek monsters—it would act as a force field of sorts, hiding Stiles' scent.

Alan made sure to clarify that it would not last forever and the stronger Stiles' scent became, the weaker the protection would become. John jumped at the idea and so the Hale Pack emissary helped the young demigod.

It worked for a while, a couple months at best. With Stiles being the son of one of the Big Three it was much harder to mask his scent. Alan advised the mortal to bring his son to Camp Half-Blood as it would be much safer. John really wanted to stick by Claudia's wishes but the more danger Stiles got in, John found it harder to put their son in harms way so Camp Half-Blood it was.

Stiles' first summer there, he was 10 years old.

It took about 2 days before Stiles was claimed. It didn't matter, though—Claudia had always known it was Zeus who had blessed her with Stiles.

It had been 7 years since then, placing Stiles at 17 years old. He surpassed the demigod life expectancy, which is quite an honour—especially for a child of the Big Three. However, it is an achievement for any demigod.

Stiles trying to fall asleep had been a nightmare within itself. With everything on his mind, there was little to no chance his hyperactive brain would actually shut down. And so, instead, he worried. Thinking over everything that could possibly go wrong for his pack if they did learn of his other world.

Around 4 in the morning, he finally started to get the sleep he needed, too bad it was short-lived.

"Try not to get too comfortable, Mieczysław," Kronos cackled. The king titan walked over to where Stiles was being strung up, his hands tied in what could be stygian iron as he could feel himself growing weaker as if his life force was slowly being drawn out of him.

"Your little, friends, will not be harmed as long as you comply with our orders," his grandfather spat. His voice rather venomous. Stiles didn't understand. What did his friends have to do with this? Who was he even referring to? What was this order?

"Oh, how naive. You still don't seem to understand. Mieczysławie, keep up. Your wolf friends are being held captive. So far, we have not had to use forces but, if you don't follow our orders we will be forced to torture them," Kronos snickered. He was insane. Stiles was convinced.

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