Chapter .05 - Long Island

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Chapter .05 - Long Island


Nico groaned once more and attempted to sit up. He had a slight sway meaning he was definitely dizzy. "The magic has shifted," he said again, slowly this time in hopes Percy would understand.

Before Percy got his answer Will cut in, "Nico di Angelo, do you have any idea what doctors orders even means? I remember strictly telling you no underworld-ly stuff. You could have died!" the blonde-haired camp medic yelled waving his hands around with exasperation.

Nico blushed sheepishly before leaning forwards and kissing the son of Apollo to shut him up.

The two of them were a fairly new couple, but that didn't count the fact they had been flirting way longer than when they actually got together. The entire camp had been placing bets on who would finally ask the other out. It was Will and was actually an accident but it all worked out in the end.

When the two of them finished their moment Percy asked again, "I know, but what does that mean?"

"Exactly what I'm saying. The magic, the mist; everything is different, foreign. It's like the balance is off, shifted," he tried. "Even shadow travelling felt different. It's out of place. I think something is going on in Olympus that they're not telling us."

Annabeth looked shocked, "I was just there a few weeks ago drawing out more plans. Everything seemed okay." Nico shook his head, "This only started happening a few days ago. It would have been fine a few weeks ago. Maybe we should talk to Mr. D," he suggested.

"He isn't here. I went to talk to Chiron about 30 minutes ago," Stiles explained.

"Styx," Nico grumbled. Thunder sounded and the son of Hades rolled his eyes. "He must be back at Olympus. Like I said, I think something is happening and we've been left out of the loop," Nico said.

"That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. We've always wanted them to fight their own battles before. Maybe it's time we leave it up to them," Percy countered.

Stiles snorted. He glanced up at the sky for a couple seconds before returning his gaze at his cousins, Annabeth, and Will, "With all due respect, they aren't the most competent of people to do that sort of thing. They've let demigods fight their battles for so long that I don't even think they would know where to begin." The sky rumbled again, "Oh, you know it's true," Stiles shouted.

Percy smirked at that. "Anyway, what should we do? If they don't tell us anything then there's nothing we can do," he said.

"No. We won't let that happen, that's not their decision. We're demigods, fighting is what we do," Annabeth declared.

"What if this isn't our battle to fight. Why aren't we allowed to have one summer off?" Percy asked.

"Our lives aren't fair, Percy. We may want something but that doesn't mean we can get it. It would be selfish to let this go and potentially let people get hurt. Whether you like it or not, this is our job," Annabeth said and gave him a small smile.

Tartarus was a whole different experience for Percy. When it comes to fighting the gods Percy has no trouble, hell, most of the time they start because he provokes them. But, Tartarus was different and it changed his perspective on everything. He wants a life with Annabeth without monsters, but it's something he probably will never be able to have.

"I know. I just wish we had time to be actual teenagers and just have fun without having to worry about if each breath we take may be our last," he sighed. Annabeth smiled up at him and placed a soft kiss on his lips, "When did you get so wise?"

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