Chapter .06 - The Prophecy

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Chapter .06 - The Prophecy

"I suppose I should be taking you to Chiron first, but you came here for Stiles so I'll break the rules just this one time," the Hephaestus kid, Jake Mason, said. "He's in the infirmary so just follow me."

"The infirmary? Is he okay?" Scott jumped. With Stiles there really is no telling as to how hurt he could possibly be. He'd find a way to break every bone in his body by tripping over air. That's just how Stiles works. He gets injured and takes it with pride.

"Oh yeah. He's fine. One of the other campers, his cousin, is in the infirmary. He's there for moral support or something. Although, its probably just a lot of teasing," Jake explained with a grin. "Alright, it's just up here," he said. In front of them was large white building with tan trimming. It didn't even have a door, just a large opening with laughter coming from inside.

Jake walked up to the spot a door should probably be and poked his head in, "Stiles, you have a few guests," he laughed. Stiles didn't like how across his face was an all-knowing smirk. "Jake? What the Hades do you know?" Stiles demanded, taking in Jake's appearance apprehensively.

"Hey, don't use my fathers name in vain," someone from inside scolded. Scott looked to Derek nervously, both probably thinking the same thing—what have we gotten ourselves into?

They heard a sigh and someone getting up—presumably Stiles. Just as most of the pack expected, the boy with honey eyes rounded the corner and immediately dropped his jaw. Once he took everything in, no words would escape his mouth.

"How... but I... why?" is all he managed. Scott got worried for a minute, thinking his best friend didn't want him here, but then he was enveloped in a hug.

When the two of them pulled apart, Stiles finally got his words to form a sentence, "Why are you guys here? How did you even find this place? How did you get past Clarisse?"

"Did you really think we would let you go off all by yourself? You're pack, Stiles. Also, your dad gave it away, I hope there isn't some law against that. If Clarisse is the crazy person with an electrical spear thing then it was Jake who helped us with that," Scott explained.

Stiles laughed, "Yeah, that sounds like Clarisse."

"She should work on her werewolf insults. I could give her a few better ones since the only offensive things she knows aren't very impressive," Jackson offered. Stiles lifted an eyebrow, "You'd help her insult yourself?"

Jackson shrugged, "If it means she'll have better insults, then yes, I would." Stiles rolled his eyes, "Alright then. Anyways, I'd invite you all inside the infirmary but it might get a little full so, uh, lets just talk outside and then I'll bring you all to Chiron."

"That's the second time someones mentioned him. Who is Chiron?" Derek asked.

"Full-Time hero trainer and activities director of Camp Half-Blood. You've probably read about him in the myths, he's a centaur and trained all the famous Greek heroes and then some," Stiles explained. Understanding lit up Lydia's face, "You mean the same Chiron that trained Hercules, Achilles, and Perseus."

"Yeah, but you really shouldn't be throwing their names around. In fact, I'd advise you not to go around naming any one in particular if you can avoid it," Stiles said. Scott looked confused, "Why?" he asked.

"Names have power."

He left it at that. They were all smart enough to figure it out for themselves. Every demigod finds out the hard way that just by accidentally letting a name slip out you could get cursed.

There's a deeper meaning to that quote, though. Names have significance, they hold entity and soul.

His pack moved on after that. They found themselves looking around the camp in both amazement and curiosity.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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