Part 1

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I browsed the Internet before going to the all too familiar website and tapping the all too familiar chat box.

Blue Eyes: You there Dan?

Brown Orbs: You bet!

Blue Eyes: Really? Brown orbs?

Brown Orbs: Whaaat? Can't just go around as D and P now can we?

P: Obviously not...

Brown Orbs: 😑

P: 😏

D: Just letting you know that I'm groaning...

P: Oh, really?

D: You have a perverted mind, you know that?

P: I learned from the best! 😉

D: 😔 Man, what was I thinking...

P: That I was cute! 😘😌

D: Maybe...
D: 😚😍

P: Knew it!

D: Oh, and happy birthday baby blue!
D: You're, what? 100 by now?

P: Oh, shut your face! I'm only 18!

D: But you're legal!

P: And?

D: Would you officially be my boyfriend?

P: Hmm...
P: I guess... 😚

D: Yay!
D: So how does it feel having an older boyfriend?

P: It's only what, 2, 3 years?

D: 2 1/2, but close enough!

P: It feels... Pretty good... At least someone is experienced in the relationship biz!

D: 😂

P: ???

D: Oh, you're serious? I thought you'd have realized when we met, but I'm very awkward and don't do well with people!

P: Great... Now what are we going to do?

D: Hope for the best?

P: 👍Sounds fair!

D: I didn't get to tell you the news! I've gotten a job near where you are!"

P: Really?!

D: So now we can see each other more, and cuddle more, and... yeah... but more though!

P: 😁😄😘😳 *screams into pillow* ... I've been screaming in a pillow...

D: So that's what took you 10 minutes?

P: It hasn't been 10 minutes! It's been only... 10... minutes...

D: 😌😏

P: Don't say it...

D: I...

P: Don't. Say. It. 🔪

D: 😮 ... Told ya so... 😈😇

P: I swear you're not getting ANY kisses for a long time! 🙅😙

D: You'll crack within 5 minutes of us meeting again!

P: Will not!

D: Yes huh!

P: Nu huh!

D: Yes huh!

P: Nu huh!

D: Yes huh!

P: Yes huh!

D: Nu huh!
D: ...
D: You're a cruel, cruel man, Jack Sparrow!

P: 😋 Told ya I wouldn't!

D: Yeah, yeah!
D: I gotta pack, so I'll talk in a bit!

P: I'd help, but... It's all the way over there... Meh...

D: Usually I'd call you lazy, but considering you're rather far away... You're free this time! 😉😙

P: 🙅🙅🙅💌

D: 😢😪

I finally logged off the computer and cuddled further in my bed before getting up. I couldn't be late for school again, even if it was my birthday.

I pulled out my phone, messaging a quick '😘' before running out the door.

My Boyfriend, The Teacher ~ PhanWhere stories live. Discover now