Part 8

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So... It ends up I'm pregnant...

And I have been for months now; 4 1/2 to be exact.

When my parent found out, they may have freaked out slightly... More like a lot... My brother on the other hand... He pat my back, rubbed my stomach, and hugged me before giving congratulations and wished us the best of luck.

Did I forget to mention that Dan was there also? Yeah, he kind of got lectured alongside me, but when we told them of the new ingredient in condoms that caused it, it shut them up rather quickly.

After a lot of calls on their part while I partially sat on Dan's lap on the couch, they gave up and gave us their congratulations.

"I don't know what to think, but I'll help with the child while you're at school and work and whatnot."

"Thank you mum!" I got up and hugged her. "Heh, maybe you can give me a bit of advice?"

"At each interval, of course."

Now I wore baggy hoodies to school and afterwards on the days Chelsea came for tutoring. The bump may have been small still, but I might as well get the trend going.

Whenever Chelsea came over, she glared at me nonstop and she seemingly wears less and less even though Dan's been showing off my amazing pieces of artwork. She's rather shallow, really. I remember the one day in AP English when Dan had to go make copies and put me in charge...

I got bored and decided to walk around the room while watching the people chat quietly.

"I've heard you've been 'tutoring' with Mr. Howell, Chels!"

"Oh, yeah, totally! You should see him once he changes! His clothes are so tight fitting and shows of more of his skin! He's so tan."

"So do you think he wants to..." Her friend made a weird noise and motion to accompany her words.

"Totally. There's just always a pesk there in the way." I felt her glare on my back."But just wait, one day he won't be there." I couldn't help it and turned to sass her out.

"Well at least I've seen him shirtless; you can't even handle the tan! And it seems you keep forgetting to mention or see that he has hickeys all over himself. I've also heard that he's going to have a kid soon..." I dropped my voice and acted disappointed.

"You've seen him shirtless?"

"Uh, yeah... One of our first study sessions, I accidentally came in on him changing..."

"He's going to have a kid?"

"Th-That's what I heard..."

"Chels... You don't want a baby daddy!"

"You're right! I need to end our lessons... Too bad, he was pretty hot and I bet he's good in bed!" If only she knew!

"I can tell him for you?"

"Great, thanks!" She went back to gossiping and shot me the occasional glare.

I waited by the door until Dan came back and I told him quickly what all happened. He chuckled and told me to go back to my seat where another picture was awaiting me.

It was me, wearing what I currently am, crying at a shirtless Dan who held a bundle in his hands and a darkened figure by his side. I couldn't help but laugh at the picture and take it up to Dan's desk before settling in for class.

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