Just Stop

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(Consider this as a prologue/example of my Songs Of Love Series of Oneshots on AFF ;)
I'll be crossposting everything here on Tumblr as well as on AO3 :)

Unedited too! Sorry for the mistakes >.<)

Title: Just Stop!

Song: Stop Stop It by Got7

Pairing: MarkJin

Details: 3,653 words, A bit of angst, and smutsmutsmut! Top!Jinyoung and bottom!Mark! J

Author's Note: At first I only want to write some fluff. But I spent one afternoon with my two fanfic buddies and they've been wanting to read top&dominant Jinyoung >.< so here I am granting them their desires.. nyahaha

For my fanfic/green/hotdog/bones buddies blue_mickey10 and jaemi!!!

Jinyoung is a bundle of one sweet, caring , and ever so loving guy...

... and Mark hates it.

Mark has always been quiet. It's his nature – to look and act rather than to point out loud and talk. After quite some time his fellow members have learned how to deal with his silence. Learn when he is being playful or when it is in need to be cautious around him. But Jinyoung, being the mother figure of the group and the self proclaimed second most quiet member, has always made sure to involve himself in matters concerning their eldest hyung.

Mark would lie if he'll say he didn't like it. But that doesn't mean he approves it either.

Why? Because of one simple reason

It makes him fall for the younger deeper.

Yes! Deeper! Coz the first time he shook his hand he knew he was a goner, to debut with him was suicide and to live with him was complete torture in hell (or maybe heaven?).

Mark hates it when the younger smiles – when his eyes disappear in those beautiful wrinkles by his eyes. He hates the sound of his laugh, hates the fact that it sounds like melody made in heaven in his ears. He hates it when the younger boy would stare lovingly at him like he knew what was going on in his mind, like he was a very open book he had read over and over again. Mark especially hates it when Jinyoung touches him, when his touches leave burning sensations on Mark's skin that sends shivers all over him.

Every time Jinyoung did those things, Mark can't help but to be pulled closer towards the younger - he wants to lock him in his embrace and shower him with kisses. But Mark knew he can't. But Jinyoung was being a damn tease and a damn irresistible man and it's driving Mark insane.

If Mark can't do the things he wants therefore he must find a way to stop Jinyoung from doing those acts. But how can he make him? He can't just say 'Hey can you please stop talking and touching me?' That would definitely trigger a whole lot of question on Jinyoung's mind. So Mark settled for the next best option... he has to avoid Jinyoung.

For a long time now Mark believed he has managed to hide and maybe avoid his feelings for the other. Save it for a few skinships and maybe a few drops of kisses here and there, but still Mark believed he has become more and more good in hiding his love for the guy.

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