6th Song: Confession Song

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Title: Confession Song

Song: by Got7

Pairing: MarkJin

Requested by: Annabelle7

A/N: Sorry it took me long to post this >.< I was really busy. I hope you will like this! :)

Mark's POV

I watched the busy city from the window of our dorm. Wondering where Jinyoung could be among these tall skyscrapers and busy streets.

I miss him.

Recently he has been busy filming his movie and he rarely spends time with us. When he's around all he does is sleep coz he's tired from filming.

You know, we both used to have night walks with Coco. We'd go to the park by the Han River and play for a good full hour before going home. But now, I and Coco are cooped up inside the dorm. We tried to go, just the two of us, but it was not the same without Jinyoung.

Suddenly Coco walked up to me and licked my toes. When I looked down on him, he was already biting his leash.

I crouched down on him and rubbed the back of his ear. "You want to go out princess?" I cooed. He happily barked. "Jinyoungie wouldn't be with us again, is that okay with you?" I asked her and he wagged his tail. I doubt she really understood me but I know she really wants to go out. I heaved out a sigh before picking up the leash and attaching it to Coco's collar.

We first had a walk on the bank of the river. I let Coco drag me wherever she wants to go. I know she'll be tired soon. When she started to slow down I picked her up and went straight to our favorite snack house.

"Oh Mark! Hello there and hello to you too Coco," the cheerful lady that sells delicious street food greeted. "I see Jinyoung's not with you again."

"Yeah, he's busy," I gloomily replied.

"You and Coco must miss him,"

"A lot actually," I replied before taking our usual snack to our usual table. I gave Coco some dog food that I brought with me before munching my own food. "I wish Jinyoung's here," I muttered.

I took my phone out and scanned my library. I was aiming to distract myself but failed big time when I was flooded with Jinyoung's face all over my gallery. I found myself opening every picture and stare at his bright face and alluring smile. I was probably smiling there like an idiot as I remember the memories each and every of that picture holds.

I really like him. More than what a friend or a brother should. I'm used to his presence surrounding me, making me feel calm and comfortable in every possible way. I want to tell him but I had no guts. Maybe I'm scared that he might reject me? I don't know. I just really never tried to confess.

I remember the first time me and Youngjae brought Coco home. Jinyoung quickly declared he doesn't want her in his room. It made me sad. But as the days go on, Jinyoung, who always stays inside his room and read began spending more time in the living room playing with Coco. Soon they both got really close and I even found them curled into balls, cuddling and sleeping together.

With a dejected and longing heart, I bid goodbye to the kind vendor, thanking her for the delicious snack and carried Coco back to our dorm. In there I found the rest of our members watching some action movie. I'm not really fond of it so I decided to head to bed. Not my bed though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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