5th Song: The Way You Look At Me

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Title: The Way You Look At Me

Song: The Way You Look At Me by Christian Bautista

Pairing: MarkJin

Requested by: silentlywriting

A/N: Again I apologize for unintentionally skipping your request. I'm glad you requested for this song. It's one of my favorites! And with the recent events, I kinda made this story in relation to that pic of Mark and Jinyoung cuddling on bed! Hope you will like this!!

Have you ever felt so special, so loved and so alive with just one look from someone?

I did.

I always feel those when I look into Jinyoung's eyes.

Jinyoung has always been loving and very caring towards all six of us. That's the reason why we call him the mom of the group. At first I was feeling comfortable with it as I found it really nice of him and not to mention it is really adorable when he goes on mother mode. But as time pass by, I started to feel this weird feelings when he touches me. It was like electricity shoots through my body when his skin connects with mine.

Then came one drunken night of which was a blurry memory for me. The thing I remember clearly is that Jinyoung was the most sober among us and so he helped me into my bed. Then I kept on mumbling things I couldn't even remember myself. The next morning I woke up with Jinyoung curled beside me with his head on my chest. He must felt me move coz he began to stir awake. I froze but when he lifted his head up I can't help but return the bright smile etched on his face.

Without saying anything he stood up and left. I was left on the mattress with a pounding head. When he came back he handed me some the advil and a glass of water. I gladly took it and thanked him. Then he sat up beside me and handed me his phone. I looked up to him confusedly but he urged me to hold it. When I did, he pressed something then a video started playing.

In the video was me on my drunken state as I lay down the bed. Jinyoung's giggles were very clear from the video.

"What was that again hyung? I didn't hear you," he said as he giggled.

"Why you sooo deaf! I shaid I yike... I mean like you! Yesh *hic* I like you! Cosh you're sho pwetty and nice and pwetty... did I shay pwetty already?" I blushed hard as I watch myself rant on the video.

"You sure bout that hyung? Maybe you're just drunk?"

"Me? Drunk? Are you kidding me? I'm not drunk! I'm tipsy!" I drunkenly blabbered. Gosh this is so embarrassing.

"So," Jinyoung spoke as he took the phone back. God I couldn't even look at him! "They say people are most honest when they're drunk? Is what you said true then? Or was it just some beer talk?"

"I ah... well... uhm..." I stuttered, still blushing furiously.

"Just yes or no hyung. Is it true that you like me?" he asked again.

I fidgeted on the hem of my shirt and after about a minute of silence I said "yes."

He got quiet so I became wary of what his reaction would be. I got curious so I finally snapped my head up to look at him. To my surprise he suddenly tackled me into a bear hug and we both landed on the mattress with him on top of me.

"I'm glad," he murmured as he nuzzled in my neck. "Coz I like you too hyung!"

And that was the day Jinyoung and I officially became a couple. Our members knew of course and they were really supportive.

Ever since then Jinyoung and I shared a lot of sweet things. As cheesy as it sounds buy yeah, we were always lovey dovey but I love it. He never fails to show his affection to me on and off cam. We shared a lot of those not-so-secret stares that sometime fans would notice and I like the fact that I have a playful image among my fans so I at times when I'm being 'playful' I would flirt with Jinyoung openly during fan meetings and events. We even get to kiss sometimes! But one thing I love most is how Jinyoung would look at me.

I know our fans ship the two of us so I often search our ship name on SNS and I'd find pictures of us. There are plenty of pics where Jinyoung's caught discretely looking at me with those loving eyes. He sometimes look at me fondly when I'm being a dork on stage and I especially love the pics where we are both caught staring into each other's eyes with something I couldn't entirely fathom.

I like it when Jinyoung stares at me. It makes me feel like I can do everything, like I am the most perfect person that fits anything. Just one look from him makes me feel complete.

But there are also days when I miss those beautiful eyes.

Recently we filmed for our latest comeback album Fly where he was the lead character on the vid. During those times he was also busy with his first movie. It worries me that when I look into his beautiful orbs the exhaustion was really obvious.

"Babe, you sure you're okay?" I asked. We were preparing for our group scene inside the car. We were both still inside the dressing room while the others were already outside. He didn't reply so I poke his cheeks. "Babe,"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine hyung," he answered half absentmindedly.

I walked over to him and hugged him from the back. "You sure? Want me to kiss you better?" I teased as I drop feathery kisses on his neck. He squirmed then he started laughing and trashing around as I sank my fingers on his sides and tickle him.

"Hyung! Hahahahaha, Hyung s-stop! Hahaha! Stop it!" he pleaded. I finally stopped but I remained holding him, hands around his waist as I let him catch his breath.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

"Yeah. Thank hyung!" He pecked my lips and we both made our way out to film.

Halfway through the filming we met some problems on the set so the crew let us rest for the moment. The seven of us talked for a bit until I saw Jinyoung's head bobbing from sleepiness. I excused the both of us and dragged him towards room where we were filming. It was the only room with a bed.

"Hyung, why are we here?" he asked sleepily.

"To rest. Come," I held my hand out to him and he accepted it while rubbing his eyes cutely. I ushered the both of us to the bed and I made him lay down. "Let's get you to sleep," I told him before following and lying down beside him. He snuggled closer to my warmth the soonest my back touched the bed. He laid his head on my chest while I snaked my arm around his shoulders.

"You sure it's fine for us to be here hyung?" he muttered from my chest.

"Of course babe. There's no other bed in the set so it's fine."

I also closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep when suddenly he spoke again. "Hyung?" he softly called. I hummed in reply. "I saw the pics on your phone. Why do you have pics of me staring at you? You got it from fansites, didn't you?" he asked.

I rolled to my side so I was facing him and his head now rests on my arm. "Let's just say I love how you look at me and I especially love it when I meet your gaze," I responded then I kissed the tip of his nose.

"Why?" he asked again.

"Coz I see fireworks when we do."

"Eeii~ that's so cheesy hyung!" he lightly hit my chest.

"What? It's true!" I defended. "I really love it when you look me in the eyes. These beautiful orbs make me feel alive and loved," I confessed as I brush my thumb over his closed eyes. He giggled.

"That's cheesy but I love it," he cheekily said, a teasing glint on his eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now sleep. As much as I want to look in to those eyes, you need rest. I don't want you sick." I leaned down and kiss his soft pouty lips. "Turn around I want to spoon you."

Once his back was on me I spooned him immediately. I really love spooning him coz I can drop kisses on his nape and inhale the sweet scent of his soft hair. It feels like heaven. Soon I fell asleep too with Jinyoung still locked in my embrace.

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