Stevie and Ally: #2

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Every single day I'd get up, survive the day and be happy...only to come back home to feel either empty or fulfilled. What determined whether I'd feel empty or fulfilled? Stevie-fucking-Boebi.

We were never really friends, not even friendly with one another. She was just another chic at school, as was I. Separate cliques, passions and hobbies. day, I noticed something that we had in common: big smiles when we're happy.

You didn't have to be within five meters of her to see her pearly whites. Once I noticed it, I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop.

After a few days and half nights of having her stuck in my mind, I admitted to myself that I had feelings for the dark-haired girl.

I often found myself staring in her general direction, almost like I was waiting for the day her gaze would just find mine. But I knew that things like that don't happen, that only happens in the movies.

"Ally?" Shannon snapped me out of my daze one day. I looked at her. "Something's going on, you've been acting different," she raised an eyebrow. I was confused as to what she was talking about, genuinely convinced that I was my normal self. We stared at each other for a little while, until Cammie's hand was suddenly on top of Shannon's arm.

"Hi, Baby," she smiled at her.

"Hey, my pretty girlfriend," she pecked Cammie sweetly. "I missed you." As she was about to respond to Shan, Stevie appeared behind her.

"Hey, Guys," she eyed the small group with a smile. "Oh, you're Ally, right?" She looked at me. Her eyes shot right through my soul and I couldn't understand the power she had over me already.

"Yeah," I said nonchalantly. "Stevie?" I pretended to not know her. Her smile broadened as a reply.

"Cammie, we gotta go," she tugged at her sleeve.

"Right. I missed you too, Baby. See you after school, love you!" Cammie kissed Shannon. Stevie smiled at the scene before looking at me again.

"See you around, Ally." They walked off in a rush. I found myself watching her walk away.

"No way!" I looked at Shannon as she whispered viciously. Her eyes widened with a slight smile.

"What?" She made me follow her gaze, which fell on the two girls walking away. I knew what she meant immediately, causing my slightly pale face to warm up with colour.

"You totally like Stevie!" She was fascinated by her new discovery. My face got redder.

"Shan!" I whined out her name. "So, maybe I do."

"I bet she'd like you too."

"Are you kidding? Look at her, she's straighter than my goddamn ruler." Shannon laughed.

"If anything, she looks like she'd experiment. Tell me you wouldn't like that, at least?"

Shannon had a point. And with that, I went up to Stevie after school. I have never done anything like it in my life before, but I made up some lame excuse for her to give me her number. As soon as I stood in front of her and greeted her, I got this rush of adrenaline through me. As she spoke back and we conversed, I felt my heart against my chest, and I fought the urge to smile at the fact that I was, in fact, talking to Stevie Boebi. I felt fulfilled that day.

As soon as we started texting, we didn't stop. We spoke about the most arbitrary things, but with each day it became more meaningful.

After about two days of texting, she would come to me just to say hello. It made me feel special, like she went out of her way to greet me. It was such a small gesture, yet so big to me.

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