Lauren & McKayla: #1

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Stay U, Boo.

We sat on my bed, crossed-legged, staring into each other's eyes. It wasn't silent though, it was barely ever silent with her. McKayla complained about her day, ranting about how absurd this one bearded guy behaved around her. I wanted to cup her cheek and kiss her hard, but she'd scold me for smudging her makeup again. I learn my lessons the hard way.

She just got back from a mini-break in Spain with some of her friends, it was my treat. Well, her treat for herself with my money. As much as her mouth opens and sounds come out, I can't help but love her and think about how happy she is.

The most annoying question I get from third parties, though, is 'are you worried that she's just with you for the money and fame?'. Honestly, I get so pissed when those words are said. My answer would always be 'It's none of your fucking business, yo'. The real answer is, 'I've known her since high school, Man. We loved each other before all this'.

I ran my hand through my short-cut hair as I stared into her eyes intently. Her words would register selectively, to be honest. She was high as well, which amused me. Her words dragged as every sentence sounded like she was being mindblown. Speaking of 'blown'...I was horny. She was exhausted though, so I knew that night would be out of the question. Still, though, all I could really think about was how much her thighs made me want to sin.

"Andrew was so fucked, man!" She laughed hysterically, making me remember how much I loved the sound. Her laugh was better than any song I've ever sold. Well, to me at least. "You should have seen it! Did you see the Snapchat video?" I nodded.

"You saved it just for me, I know." I nodded, not bothered that she has been repeating stories for the past half hour.

"Ah, man." The atmosphere calmed down. "I fucking love you, man." Her toothy grin was sloppy. Sloppily cute, nonetheless.

"I love you too," I said. "I wanna kiss you now." I stated, earning a sneaky smirk from her along with a pair of knowing eyes.

"Take a hit. Then I'll kiss you." I contemplated getting high with her.

"Fine, roll one." She bit down on her bottom lip, trying to contain her excitement. We both knew we had the best sex when we were out of our minds. Our orgasms felt about a million times better than it would when sober, so we were mentally preparing for the big night.

After a few hits each, we just lay on the balcony looking up at the stars. "Lauren, what if the stars were actually on Earth, and we...and we were, like, actually in space?"

"What?" I scrunched my brows and giggled at her.

"No, like, what if the stars were people and they were all, like, talking to each other saying how beautiful we are?"

"Hmm, then how come we're talking?"

"Dude! That's the thing. We're just communicating, but what if we were the stars, Dude?" I let her words soak in, actually convinced that what she was saying made perfect sense.

"All I know is that you'd be the brightest star." I smiled at her. The awful snort followed by laughter boomed from her though.

"Ew. You suck."

"Not really," I winked at her, earning even more laughter.

"What if being bright was actually dim? And, like, the all the dim shit blinded us because of how bright it is, and know we're all blind...because we were we think shit the wrong way around. You know? Like, the dudes we say are blind can actually see?"

"Holy shit, Dude," I replied in awe, processing her 'what if'. My girlfriend was a genius. "I love you, Dude." I turned to face her on the ground next to me.

"What if love was-"

"Okay, let's not 'what if' this one," I laughed, cutting her off by gripping her hips and pulling her into me. "Just tell me you love me."

"Well, okay," she rolled her eyes while grinning like an idiot. My idiot. "I love you." Our lips met. She tasted like...weed and coke. I preferred Pepsi though. "And I love how you never tried to change me,"

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows in confusion, looking into her eyes again.

"You know exactly what I were yourself, I was myself. We were great friends, met again after that and, without even trying to convince me of anything, I fell for you. Then, like, even after that...I went through my fucked up times, you didn't change. We broke up, you didn't change me when I came back to you. You're just...every little habit of mine you've accepted. When you didn't smoke for a year, you didn't pressure me to stop for you-"

"But you did. For a month, but still." I laughed, seeing her flash her pearly whites.

"The fact loved me just the way I am."

"Because you're who I fell in love with."

"The best part is that I grew with you, mainly. Fuck," her voice was almost a whisper. "I'm so sorry about everything,"

"The past is the past, Babe."

"Don't interrupt me." Her sass whacked me upside the head. I had to bite my tongue. "I don't know why you like me."

"I like you because we connect like no other, you know what I'm talking about? You make me feel like I can get through the day, as long as I get to see your pretty face soon enough. And...I couldn't imagine hearing your sick stories, Dude." I bit my lip, watching her smile at me.

"Fuck you," I playfully gasped. "Fuck you for being so awesome." She rolled her eyes as I chuckled.

"Fuck you for being"

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