Chapter 8 - The Pirate's Armada

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Hours must've passed and I spent them on the floor of that room, managing to stop the bleeding by ripping sections from my gown and wrapping them around my wounds, crying out as I did so, the bullets thankfully making a full cut through my body. Somehow, it's beyond me how, but I managed to stand as my shoulders felt sore and stiff from the gunshots, his level five gun really blasted me hard. When I went to find him to confront him, he was nowhere to be found, but maybe thankfully. I can say all I like that I'm ready to face him, but the fact is that I was literally just shot a few hours ago...twice. Using all the concentration I could, I somehow actually managed to teleport myself to the sanctuary, almost fainting as I managed to do so.

"Ah, hello my-....your majesty?" I heard in Jaspers voice as he stood in his usual place in the sanctuary, and I fell to my knees wearily as he ran over, my dog that was asleep there waking up and bounding over to me, letting out a whine as he saw my pain.

"What's happened? Why is there so much blood?" Jasper asked me quickly and direly, shaking me and trying to keep me awake. I must've lost so much blood, I can feel my world slipping away from me, I think that I'm dying. Then, just as my dog Elliot tapped me with his paw, a bright white light blinded me.

"You're not to die today, Hero." A familiar voice called out to me in its soft usual tone and I somehow managed to open my eyes as I saw my mentor, Theresa, in front of me.

"Reaver has harmed you badly, and you are on a bad verge of death, but you cannot die yet. Use your map and get yourself to a gypsy camp, they'll know how to heal you. Yet, get yourself back into Reaver's mansion before he returns or he'll bring you more harm. Good luck, hero." 

It was abrupt, but when I blinked, I was back in the sanctuary with Jasper leaning over me, looking really frantic. 

"Jasper? Elliot?" I asked looking at him and looking at my beloved dog before trying to push myself up off the floor. Jasper made an odd noise, as if to reject to my movement, but he moved back and I dragged myself over to the map and my dog let out a worried whine, sniffing the blood on the floor. I pulled myself up a little so I was hanging over the table with the map, breathing heavily as could be before bringing my hand over. 

"Tell no-one this has happened." I say in a low monotone as I look over my shoulder to him and my dog, and Jasper nods, obviously understanding that I was in a dire situation and my dog whined again

"Yes, my lady." I heard Jasper say just as I slumped over onto the table and somehow managed to properly touch the Gypsy camp, and I was teleported. When I arrived, I was lying on my back slap bang in the middle of the small camp, and maybe about 4 healers approached me quickly. I was quickly taken into a tent, given 2 health potions and then bandaged up. I felt much better, but now just mentally weak and I managed to get back to the sanctuary again. Jasper stood there silently as I arrived and gave me a nod as my dog lay asleep before I went back over to the map table and let my hand hover over Reaver's mansion.

"Jasper, I need you to tell my men to do something." I said to him, peering over my shoulder to the man and he nodded as if to say 'Go on'.

"I need an armada made up and I need a crew...and I need it under Master Reavers name. I know it sounds odd but please make sure this is done by the end of the day." 

Jasper looked astounded at what I had said, and looked like he was almost going to say something, but he stopped himself and frowned before nodding his head slowly, accepting what I was saying. As he did so, I tapped on Reaver's mansion and was quickly fast tracked. 

When I opened my eyes again, I was in a random room of the mansion and I sighed. I couldn't believe in a way what I had done, pretty much sold off my navy to Reaver. 

"Oh my she's up and about! Now that would've been a shame if you died hm?"

That godforsaken voice.

"Oh and look at that, you patched yourself up, what a smart lass you are. Oh and look at that! Not even a spec of blood on the carpet, you clever girl." 

I slowly turned to see him standing there, leaning on his cane with a smirk of pure arrogance and I frowned to myself before looking him right in the eyes.

"Your armada has been called for and it'll be finished by sun down." I said blankly to him as his smirk began to widen into a big smile.

"Oh what a good girl you are." He said as he leaned off his cane and used it to prod me slightly, and I gritted my teeth. Oh, what I'd do to have a gun right now. I should've picked one up at the sanctuary whilst I was there and I can't just teleport right in front of him and I would dare try to punch him, he's way too fast of a shot for that. I'm just going to have to grit my teeth for now.

"It's late, can't I sleep?" I asked him meaningfully, genuinely tired after such an eventful day and he scoffed before he gave a brief laugh.

"Sleep? Why my Queen it's a Friday night and my weekend party shall go on as usual!" He exclaimed to me, giving me another firm prod with his cane, but this time right in my ribs. He was testing me, but I wouldn't let him break me.

"Then let me have a room."  I say to him as I stand straight as he begins to slouch on his cane again.

"Why yes of course a room has already been made up for you, but you must attend this party." He says as he smirks again.

"Why must I?" I ask him in genuine confusion.

"Because you are the guest of honor." He said giving me one final prod with his cane, hard enough to make me stumble back a few steps, and I grit my teeth again.

"Oh you didn't..." I say as I stare at him.

"Oh but I did! The whole of Albion knows that you are going to be here. Don't you want to please your subjects?" He asks me, obviously doing this to get to me.

"Alright, I'll attend. Now where is my room." I say to him, just trying to get the conversation over and done with.

"Upstairs to the right, across from mine." He almost purred at me, making me want to genuinely throw up right in front of him and I quickly passed him by and ran out of the room, into the hall, into the foyer, up the stairs, to the right and into a room. The room was half decent I guess, it wasn't terrible but it was obviously not as grand as the rest of Reaver's house, like a guest room...a guest room for a peasant....a poor peasant at that. I sighed as I stared around at it, but was happy that I was away from that man. I went over to a smashed mirror in the corner and sighed as I looked into it, my face drained as could be. 

I then looked over to the bed...well...blankets on the floor and also sighed. This wasn't quite like the warm fires, large beds and alcohol from before, this was just like how he'd treat any random peasant. 

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