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Lilian stared at the judge difiantly, never breaking eye contact.

Her piercing grey eyes, would usually leave a man trembling, or at least a little weary. But the judge held her gaze, his own, old eyes had probably witnessed many criminals such as her. And throughout the trial he had not shown a glimmer of emotion.

The fact that the old man's face was so blank it made Lilian feel a little shaken, not that she'd ever show it. Just like the judge, she had become a master at hiding her emotions.

It was compulsory when you were in her field of work.

"Lilian Allock, you are charged with the murder of twelve persons, within a time period of 10 months. How do you plead?" The clerks voice came like the drone of a fly.

She narrowed her eyes, "Guilty."

The man started, obviously not expecting the answer. Lilian stared almost pitifuly at the man. He was young, possibly twenty, with thining brown hair and an ill fitting shirt.

A small bead of sweat rolled down the clerks neck, before disapering down beneath his collar.

The judge cleared his throat, and spoke in a raspy voice," because of your admittance, you sentence will be less harsh, though the crimes you have committed are unforgivable."

She smiled slightly.

The judge's formal collar was lost beneath his many chins, and the front of his stomach pushed, heavily against the buttons.

"You, Lilian Allock, for the deeds you have done, shall be sentenced to ten years, untill you reach the age of thirty years, then you will hang, by the neck untill dead."

Her smile grew and she let out a silent laugh.

That was there only mistake. Yes the law may say they could only put someone to death at thirty, but they should have taken their chance to kill her.

But ten years was enough, long enough to make her escape.

And by the time she reached twenty two, Lilian Allock, Assassin and murderer, would be out and free.

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