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Lilian woke, eyes groggy and heavy from a bad nights sleep. She rolled over and last night's events came back to her in a torrent.

Thorne, in his human from, was curled up in the corner. His bare skin was covered in sweat and he was shaking.

Lilian rose quickly and moved towards him. She placed a hand on his damp back and he stiffened.

Although it was late morning, when Thorne turned to face her, the light from the sun only seemed to wash out his skin. It was pale, translucent even.

He looked as ill as he had the first time she'd come in.

He slowly looked up and met her eyes, his dark blue ones shimmering with regret. "I'm sorry," He wispered, his voice rough, like it had been ripped apart with sandpaper.

"You didn't do anything," she replied, her voice just as soft, as the mood in the room seemed to require.

He rose to his knees, head in line with her stomach. He pressed his face against her, murmuring against the cloth of her top, "I scared you."

It was true, and Lilian wasn't going to lie to him. But she cupped his face in her hand. "I'm okay, you didn't hurt me, you kept your promise."

Shakely he got to his feet, standing a head taller than her, he gazed down at her. "It was a stupid promise to make, I can't control my other half. Not like I should be able to."

"What do you mean?" Lilian asked, it was one of the many questions that were burning in the front of her mind.

He sat on the bed and gestured for her to do the same. Sitting beside him, she turned to face him, but he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"When I'm in my... other form, it's not like I'm still me. I'm more animal than human." He sighed leaning his head back, looking towards the cealing.

His adams apple bobbed as he swallowed.

"The wolf is in full control, I'm still there just, behind, trapped. He is fully animal, his primal instincts over power everything." He clenched his jaw, angry at himself, even if it was something that he could not control.

"Then why didn't he kill me?" Lilian asked confused.

Thorne turned to look at her, a glimmer of a smile played along his lips as he looked at her.

"Sometimes, strong emotions like anger for example, can pass through the 'barrier' between us. It's not like we can communicate or anything, it's just that he shares emotions that I, the human side, feel."

Lilian nodded but then paused, "What emotion stoped him?"

"It wasn't so much an emotion, more of a need, not to harm you." He replied softly.

"Oh," Her voice was small.

He pulled her into his chest, "It's okay, Lilian. He's not going to force me into another shift for a month, and by that time I plan to be far away from this god forsaken place!" He grinned at her.

"We're going to get out Lilian, I promise."

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