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Thorne removed his shirt quickly, he knelt beside Lilian, he gently traced the bruise on her jaw away some of the blood from her lips.

"Here," he whispered, helping her put on the shirt, she shivered, the realisation of what had just happened hitting her.

A single tear fell from her eye. "No," Thorne murmured, "don't cry, please,"

He lent in and kissed the drop of salty liquid away. She smiled sadly, "are you okay?" He was filled with wonder at her ability to still worry for him even when she was in such pain.

He kissed her other cheek, "I'm fine, now that your safe."

"We're not safe yet," she replied, and Thorne knew she was right.

They still needed to get out of the building, the guards probably wouldn't come in here for a while. Mainly because they still thought that, that disgusting excuse of a man, was still alive.

He helped Lilian to her feet, "will you be okay to run," She nodded, even as her ankle almost buckled under her as she stood, "nothing happened to my legs."

"I just worry," He answered, too much, but he only added this in his head.

"I know."


They walked to the door, it hadn't been locked, because they thought they were safe enough seeing as both Lilian and Thorne where locked up.

Lilian watched as Thorne warily pushed it open, muscles tensed, ready to spring at any sign of danger. The door swung open, no one was there.

The corridor was dark and empty, there was no sound.

Thorne sniffed the air, "there are guards both ways" He spoke, gesturing the long hall, "but less that way."

They headed down, Lilian leaning slightly on Thorne, she hated that she had to rely on him, and in the process, slowing them both down.

They rounded a corner and three guards turned in surprise to see the two limping, blood splattered people.

Thorne didn't give them time to get over there shock.

He pounced for the first man, Lilian getting her self out of the way, knowing she couldn't help much.

Claws sprang from Thorne's fingers. Product of the anger flowing through him and as a result the man who had been the victim of the attack, had three deep red lines carved into his face.

He fell, howling, in answer to Thorne's own victorious ones.

The second two men fell just as quickly, the only difference being that they where dead.

Lilian grabbed the front of the shirt of the bleeding man, shaking him, "How do we get out!" She spat violently.

He grunted as she punched him when he didn't answer.

"Keys..." He panted, "on the side, unlock the door over there... the way out-" Lilian cut him short by plunging his own dagger into his neck, she had her information.

Keeping the dagger in hand she stood and joined Thorne where he was unlocking the door, having heard what the man said.

Is swung open, and Lilian felt a breeze on her face.

Oh how lovely that cold wind was, the smell of mud and grass.

Thorne grinned and grabbed her hand. "I hope you're not having second thoughts," He laughed.

She smiled, "definitely not."

She paused a second, "What about Arthur?"

Thore shrugged, "he'll find us, he always manages to follow me, the little git," the words were said with a fondness that made Lilian smile.

"Okay well then, I-I'm, wow here we go!"

The began to make there way, as quickly as possible to the trees lining the perimeter, the thick undergrowth would provide much needed cover.


They had been walking for hours, Thorne knew Lilian was knackered but to stubborn to say so.

He stopped by a large oak, "we should rest, it's almost night." The sun was setting fast and he knew they should have started a shelter earlier but he had wanted to get her as far away as possible.

It was stupid of him, they had no provisions, and without a shelter they could die from the elements, just as easily as being killed by the people hunting them.

At least he could hear a stream near.


Lilian gratefully lowered herself to the ground. The walking had been horrible, especially with her ankle which she must have twisted at some point.

It was throbing and when Thorne headed off to get water, she quickly pulled of her boot at had a look.

It was swollen and red, but she didn't want to worry him more than she had already.

She replaced her shoe and started pulling up ferns to create a layer of insulation between them and the ground. People forgot that at night, a chill from the ground could be more dangerous than getting rained on.

After laying the bedding down, she started to gather sticks for a fire.

Thorne returned carrying some water in a canteen he had taken from the guard.

He raised and eyebrow at the pile of sticks.

"What?" Lilian questioned, noticing his expression.

"We can't make a fire." He snorted, "we don't know what lives in this wood, it could be worse than the humans that follow us. Much worse."

She rolled her eyes, "Yes sorry for being so insolent, O' wise one." The sarcasm dripped.

He smirked and came closer. "You're beautiful." He wispered.

Lilian thought self-consciously about the bruise covering half of her face, but forgot a moment later when his lips landed gently on her own.

It was soft and gentle and full of meaning, though the meaning was unknown.

He grasped her waist and pulled her closer to him, leaving her flush against him.

She shivered as his lips descended and kissed her bruised face with such a sense of care that she felt almost unworthy.

"I'm sorry I let this happen," his voice was weak.

She put her hands on either side of his face. "You didn't let anything happen, I'm not a porcelain figure, I can take care of myself, don't worry so much about me, in fact if you hadn't been there things could have been much more hopeless than they are now." She grinned at him and wiped a smear of mud of his forehead.

His eyes twinkled and he placed another kiss on her lips. "Thank you," He smiled, "You're so strong."

She blushed, and this time when she kissed him it was not as gentle as before. Her hands went up around his neck and pulled him closer to her.


The sky was dark and bright stars filled it.

Two people, lying, staring up at the sky, wished for a future.


The amazing cover at the top was made by mysimplefact Thank you!!


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