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She awoke and felt blindly across the bed, for a body that wasn't there. The bed was empty save for herself.

She opened an eye and saw Thorne at the sink washing his face.

He was shirtless and tiny droplets of water ran down his toned back, forming river through the ripples of muscle. Her mind flashed back to when he had similar rivers running down his skin, but not of water, of blood. A tattoo, curled down his back, black ink dancing across his skin, forming words in a language she didn't understand.

He turned as if sensing her atention and smirked as he watched her eyes move down his defined torso. It too, gleamed with water catching the morning sun. The tatoo continued over his shoulder drifting down his chest to his stomach, where it disappeared.

"I won't ask you if you slept well." He said, "You look like the dead."

Lilian's nostrils flared, "well it is rather hard to sleep, when you're almost falling off the bed, the entire night." She returned sharply.

He smiled, and she relised that because of there light bickering, she had forgotten her nightmare entirely.

She pulled her legs of the edge of the bed, standing up. A wave of dizziness rolled through her as blood rushed to her head. She groaned.

Thorne's atention snapped to her as he assessed for injury, seeing none he looked at her in confusion, "head rush," she stated and he came closer.

"You should drink some water, it might help." Thorne murmured, gesturing to the sink.

"Is it drinking water?" Lilian paused, looking doubtfully at the tap.

He nodded, "I've been drinking from it since I got here and I'm not dead so..."

She smiled, "If you say so." Making her way over to the sink, she avoided his still half naked body, keeping her eyes glued to the opposite wall.

Her arm brushed against his chest and he let out a growl.

"Put a shirt on for goodness sake!" She blurted, if only to draw attention away from her glaring blush.

He grinned, one of the first proper smiles she'd seen, and moved over to where his top lay discarded on the floor.

Cupping the cold water in her hands, Lilian drank deeply, gulping down the water thirstily. She wiped a hand across her mouth, stopping the water that ran down her chin.

Today, she thought would probably be the same as the one before. They had been let out yesterday, so acording to Thorne, wouldn't be let out today.


Lilian and Thorne were sitting, backs against the wall, talking softly about there lives. Well mostly Lilian's life.

She told him how she was trained, and then sent around the world to kill people that she had been asked to.

Thorne didn't speak about his own past. When ever the conversation drifted towards him, he would always close up.

Leaning her head against him Lilian contemplated her feelings, she understood if her didn't want her to know, but still felt bitter as she had opened up to him and told him mostly everything about herself.

Through the small bared window she watched the sun slowly crawl down the ever darkening sky, dipping below the horizon.

The moon, now the sun had gone, was bright and almost full. "It might be a full moon tonight," she said, against his sholder.

Thorne's gaze rose to the window and he stiffened. Cursing softly he stood, swiftly making his way over to the bed. "Shit." He swore, "I didn't even notice."

"Why is it a bad thing?" she asked, perplexed. He was pacing the room.

He met her gaze with his own, powerful one but she didn't look away.

He growled - mostly to himself - then walked back to her, kneeling down and grasping her chin in his rough palm.

"Something is going to happen tonight." His thumb stroked her cheak softly. "I don't want it to make you look at me differently."

Without realising she lent into his hand, he stood and she immediately missed his presence.

Standing also, Lilian asked, "Different how?"

He turned his back to her, "Like a monster."

"I couldn't see you like that, even if I tried," she wispered.

"Well maybe you should, it's what I am. Why do you think I was chained up against the wall, why I'm not allowed out with the other prisoners?" He bust out, shaking slightly. "I hurt people Lilian, I'll hurt you."

"No you won't, " she reassured him, reaching a hand out and placing it on his back. The tence muscles relaxed slightly, and for a second she was struck by the undiluted force in the man infront of her. "I trust you."

He turned to face her, gripping her hand and placing it on his chest. "You shouldn't."

She could feel his heart beating, rapidly, unevenly, just like her own.

"But I do."

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