Chapter2: What?!

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Morgan wakes up and sees Reids side of the bed is empty. He remembers coming back to his place with him. But he doesn't remember watching him leave. "Reid?" He gets up and walks into the bathroom.

"Oh hey, you're up." A Reid responds to seeing Morgan, casual like.

"what are you doing?" Morgan asks, curious.

"Just...I was just going to take a shower." Reid answers and holds up a towel. "But if you need the bathroom, i'll get out." He states.

"No, you are okay. I'm going to go make some coffee and some breakfast, you want some?" Morgan asks. Reid shakes his head.

"No, i'm...i'm okay." He verbally answers. Morgan looks at him curious of the refusal of caffeine.

"You sure?" Morgan asks.

"Yeah..." Reid answers, sounding not like himself. Morgan catches this and then notices the phone on the bathroom counter. There's a missed call symbol on the screen.

"Call from Hotch?" He asks, now really curious of what is going on. Reid looks back at the phone, seeing what Morgan is referring too.

"Uh...No." Reid answers, turning back towards Morgan. "It's nothing." He states.

"Is everything alright?" Morgan asks, not knowing what is going on in that head of Reids. Reid nods and looks Morgan in the eyes.

"I'm fine." He answers. "I would just like a shower." He adds. Morgan then nods in understanding and then kisses Reid on the lips.

"Okay, but don't take too long. We have a whole day to be together." Morgan jokes.

"Actually, I will be late to work today." Reid states in a slightly small voice.

"Well yeah, you are coming with me, so that kind of does explain that." Morgan states with a slight chuckle.

"No, I mean, I need to go and do something before I go to work." Reid explains. "So you are actually going to work by yourself for today." He adds.

"What is so important that is going to make you late for work?" Morgan asks, now actually annoyed at Reid avoiding his questions.

"Just something I need to do, Okay?" Reid replies, now annoyed at the multiple questions from Morgan.

"Reid, whatever it is, you can tell me. We are going to be husband and husband soon." Morgan explains, still waiting for an actual answer from Reid.

"I..I just need to go in and see...see my doctor." Reid finally answers, not looking Morgan in the eyes.

"For what? When it comes to doctors, besides yourself, you are stubborn as hell and won't take their advice without saying that you are a doctor, meaning you can say that you are a second opinion." Morgan explains, now really and truly confused. "Are you coming down sick?" He asks, worrying.

"No...I just need to go see him about something, is all." Reid answers, cooly. Morgan and Reid both look to each other, silence growing between the two. Then Reid notices the time. "Morgan, you won't just be late to work, you'll miss it if you don't leave here soon." He states. Morgan notices that too.

"Okay, fine, but when you come back, we are talking about this." Morgan states and kisses him on the lips, leaves to get dress, does his quick morning things and hurries off to work. Leaving Reid to himself, in the house.

Reid picks up his phone and listens to the voicemail. "Hello, Spencer, it's Doctor Hillsberg. I called to tell you that we have received your results. I wish I didn't have to say this through voicemail, but I need you to come down to my office today, anytime today, but as soon as possible." The man explains. "I will see you soon." That is where the voicemail ends. At this Reid sits down on the bathroom floor, pulling his knees up to his chest and his hands grabbing his now short hair, as he begins to sob. He knows very well what is to come when he is told of the results. Reid stays in the bathroom for a good long time, sobbing, and knowing what is to come will not be good.

Morgan walks into the office, and is greeted by everyone. "Where is Reid?" Prentiss asks.

"He has to go see his doctor today." Morgan answers. "He called in to tell Hotch, appereantly."

"I see. Everything okay?" She asks.

"I dont know. He won't say." Morgan replies.

"Hmm, guess we will figure it out." She states.

"Guess we will." Morgan replies. "Gideon working with us?" He asks.

"No, he said he is helping a friend out today." She answers. Both Morgan and Prentiss put two and two together.

"Reid." They both state, at the same time.

Gideon arrives at the place and knocks. Reid answers the door and Gideon can tell Reid has been sobbing. "Everything alright?" Gideon asks.

"Not really." Reid answers.

"If it's about what we are going to the doctors for, I am sure that everything is okay." Gideon explains.

"He told me that I should go in as soon as possible." Reid states. This makes Gideon uncomfortable aswell.

"I'll go in with you if you want?" Gideon states, earning a nod from Reid.

"I'd like that." Reid states and follows Gideon to the car. When they get there, they have to wait in the waiting room. Reid starts bouncing his knee up and down, fast. Gideon notices this and places his hand on his knee.

"Calm down." Gideon whispers. "You need to calm your nerves." He states.

"Sorry i'm just-"

"Spencer Reid?" The doctor comes out and calls out.

"Right here." Reid stands up and walks up to the doctor, being followed by Gideon.

"Shall we?" The doctor gestures to the room behind him. Reid nods and starts heading in the room. "Is he with you?" The doctor asks, referring to Gideon.

"Uh yeah." Reid answers.

"I'm just here for support." Gideon states, earning a nod from the doctor.

The doctor shuts the door, has Reid sit on the doctor examining table. Gideon stands next to Reid. The doctor sits down in his set, and looks to Reid, a dark look on his face. "We have indeed recieved your results." He states. Reid nods and feels Gideons firm hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, but you tested positive." He states. Reid looks to Gideon, who is as scared as him.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Gideon asks.

"There is no actual cure for it, but we can try to keep the HIV levels check. Antiretroviral drugs are the standard therapy for HIV infection, and usually you will be given several drugs to take, a so-called drug "cocktail." If you may." He explains.

"So all we can do is keep his HIV levels in check while we watch him slowly die?" Gideon asks.

"There is no cure for it, but keeping the levels in check may indeed keep him living for as long as possible." The doctor explains. "I'll let you two think about it, I will be back to see when you wish to start up the treatment or not." He states and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

Reid and Gideon don't know what to do. "If you do the treatment, you will only have to worry about keeping the HIV levels in check." Gideon states.

"But I'll never be able to do it with Morgan without getting him infected. But I can't tell him what happened to me in Vegas, he would flip." Reid explains.

"You don't exactly have much of a choice." Gideon explains. "Unless you call off the wedding and say that you can't be with him, you have no other choice but to tell him."

Reid doesn't know what to do. He just places his face into his hands and begins to sob again. Gideon keeping his hand on Reids back, making small circle motions. How is he suppose to tell Hotch about this? How is he suppose to sit by and watch the kid that was like a son to him, slowly die?

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