Chapter 5: What Happened In Vegas?

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That night, Reid is woken up by his phone ringing. He looks and sees that it's Gideon. He answers it. "Gideon? What's going on?" He asks.

"I need you to get dress and come down to my car, I need to show you something." Gideon replies. Reid looks at the clock.

"Gideon it's 2 in the morning." He states.

"So what? Just hurry." Gideon orders then hangs up. Reid does as he is told and meets Gideon outside by his car.

"What do you need to show me?" Reid asks, partly sleepy still.

"Its not here, it's back at my cabin." Gideon replies and gestures to the SUV. Reid groans in annoyance and gets in the car. Gideon drives them up to the cabin, when they arrive Reid notices a familiar SUV.

"Gideon, what are you really doing?" Reid asks, realizing something is up.

"You will see." Gideon answers and parks the car. "Let's go inside." He suggests. Reid hesitates before going in. He sees Morgan in the living room and tries to turn around. "Nope, you come back here." Gideon stops him, and drags him into the living room. Morgan also feels a bit uncomfortable with this. "You need to tell him." Gideon tells Reid. "No more hiding it, you need too tell the truth right now."

Reid shakes his head, knowing what Gideon is referring too. "I cant." Reid replies.

"Either you tell him, or I'll tell him." Gideon threatens. Reid shakes his head again.

"I cant." Reid states again.

"Tell me what?" Morgan asks, now looking at Gideon.

"The reason why Reid is rethinking his answer." Gideon answers. Morgan looks back at Reid.

"What's going on?" Morgan asks. "What happened to you in Vegas?" Reid looks away, avoiding eye contact.

"Reid had an encounter with some bad people." Gideon answers. Morgan looks back to Gideon.

"How bad?" Morgan asks.

"Drug bad." Gideon answers. Morgan turns back to Reid.

"You didnt...." Morgan says to Reid. Reid shakes his head and tries to keep looking down at the floor.

"Reid was forced." Gideon states.

"Forced to do what?" Morgan asks.

"Take Heroine and other drugs." Gideon answers. "The needles they used, were the needles they use on themselves." Gideon explains.

"What?" Morgan responds.

"Its not just that, he had fallen in with the crowd, started to date one of them, serious relationship, physical if you may." Gideon starts to explains. "And when Reid went to the doctors, we got bad news." Gideon says.

"What bad news?" Morgan asks.

"Postive for HIVs." Gideon answers. Morgan Looks back to Reid.

"From the sex?" Morgan asks.

"From both the sharing of Needles and sex. The man was positive for AIDS and when Reid found out, he had to check for himself." Gideon explains.

Morgan turns back to Reid. "Is that why you think that you need to break our wedding off?" Morgan asks.

"I didn't want to infect you or make you suffer with your spouse dying." Reid replies, his voice shaky. "I just...just didn't want to have you looking at me like some poor victim." He adds.

"Reid...I..." Morgan is lost For words.

"Morgan, you need to go get tested as soon as possible." Gideon states.

"Reid, if I knew, you know I would do anything in my power to keep you from getting hurt." Morgan states. "I dont want to call off our wedding. I want to marry you, no matter how long we have together." He states.

Reid shakes his head and tears escape his eyes. "No, I can't watch you watch me dying." He replies.

"You have no choice." Morgan states. "I'm going to be with you no matter what." Reid shakes his head looks up and tries to walk out of the room, but Morgan wraps his arms around the smaller male and pulls him close, he feels Reid shaking and hears him crying. "I'm not going anywhere." He whispers. He feels Reid grab ahold of his arms with his and allows Morgan to hold him. Gideon, who is still in the room, leaves the room to give them some space, now that his job is done.

An hour passes and Reid and Morgan are laying on the floor, Morgan holding Reid in his arms. "Still have cold feet?" Morgan asks, in a whisper. He feels head shake his head.

"No." Reid answers.

"We still marrying?" Morgan asks.

"Well we need to make sure I didn't pass it to you." Reid states.

"We can do that later today." Morgan says. "I just want to lay here with you." He adds. The moment however is ruined when they hear someone coming into the cabin, most likely Gideon. They get up to their feet, and see it is Gideon.

"I need to head back into the office. I suggest you two actually get tested, because we don't need a to late moment." He orders as he leaves the room. Morgan looks to Reid.

"Need a ride?" He asks, with a goofy grin. Reid smiles a bit and nods.

"Yeah, that be great." He answers as he takes Morgan's hand in his.

They arrive at the hospital and are waiting for the test results. "So was it this intense when you waited for the results?" Morgan asks.

Reid chuckles a bit. " I didn't stick around. I told them to call me when the results are in." He explains.

"Chicken." Morgan teases.

"Shut up." Reid responds. The both chuckle a bit but Reids chuckle comes to a stop. That makes Morgan stop and look at him.

"Sorry, I know it isn't funny." He states.

"Its fine." Reid replies. "I dont care." He adds.

"Then why so gloomy?" Morgan asks.

"I'm just worried about if I spread it to you." Reid explains. Morgan takes his hand in his.

"If you did, I don't care." Morgan states and then kisses Reid on the hand. "But you better be clean." He adds.

Reid chuckles a bit and nods. "If am clean, I'll never touch another needle again." He states.

"So how did Gideon know?" Morgan asks, after being curious for so long.

"If guess I called him one night, high, and he flew down. He found me with that guy then threatened him, saying if he ever saw his face again, he would...mess him up so bad that he would end up smoking his dope up his other end instead." Reid explains.

"Gideon is very protective over you." Morgan comments. "Like you are of Prentiss, JJ, and Garcia." He adds.

"I'm just protective over them because they are my friends." Reid states.

"And Gideon is protective over you because you are like a son to him." Morgan states. Reid just nods his head at this. They sit there in silence afterwards.

The doctor comes back into the room a few hours later. He looks over the papers he has. "So we recieved your results from the lab." He states.

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