Chapter 3: The Problems Begin

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Gideon drives Reid to the BAU. "You need to tell him." He states.

"I cant." Reid counters. "How would you feel if someone you really loved and is suppose to be married to, comes up to you and tells you that they are dying or something?" He asks.

"I would be heart broken." Gideon answers.

"Exactly, I don't want to do that to him." Reid states.

"But I would be angry if they never told me." Gideon explains. "Especially since you might have already given it to him." Reid says nothing but keeps looking out the window. They arrive at the office and Morgan is the first to greet Reid.

"Hey Pretty Boy." He greets and hugs his soon to be husband.

"Hey." Reid replies and doesn't hug back. Morgan notices this and looks Reid in the eyes.

"Everything okay?" Morgan asks. Reid nods in response but then walks over to his desk, placing his bag down and starting some paperwork. Morgan turns to look at Gideon, confused. Gideon shrugs his shoulders, pretending not to know what is going on with him. Gideon heads for Hotch's office and doesn't say a word. Morgan turn back to Reid and walks over to his desk. "Everything okay?" He asks.

"You already asked that." Reid states.

"But I need an answer." Morgan replies.

"No, you just need to settle." Reid states, sounding more annoyed than he intended.

"What is with this snappy attitude, you weren't like this this morning." Morgan states, confused and then thinks of it. "What did you get bad news at the doctors?" He asks.

"It's nothing." Reid states and tries to escape, but fails. Morgan grabs Reid by the arm, spooking him. Reid turns right around and hits Morgan square in the face. Everyone in the ballpin looked and gasped at the site. Gideon and Hotch quickly make their way out of Hotch's office, to see what the commotion is all about.

Both Reid and Morgan look at one another, stunned, and just speechless. Morgan has never seen Reid take a swing at anyone on their team. Nor has he ever gotten hit by Reid. "What is going on in here?" Hotch breaks the silence.

"Nothing, I just spooked Reid and he reacted." Morgan answers, trying to defuse the situation. Reid takes this advantage and runs off, towards Garcia's office is. Rossi looks to Gideon confused.

"I dont know what happened, I'm just in the dark as you are." Gideon states in defence.

"Well you treat him like your kid, better go talk to him." Rossi replies.

"Dont tell me how to help him." Gideon barks.

"Gideon, Rossi, dont. We don't need another fist hitting someone." Hotch breaks in. "Go see what is wrong." He tells Gideon. Gideon nods and makes his way to Garcia's office.

When he gets there, the office door is partly open. He listens in. "And so you punched him?" He hears Garcia.

" was a reaction I was not expecting from myslef." Reid states, pacing the room. "I thought if I came back here, everything would be better." He states.

"What happened to you, in Vegas?" Garcia asks. Reid stops pacing and looks to Garcia unamused.

"I don't want to talk about it." He states and goes back to pacing.

"Reid, what has you so uptight? Is it the wedding? Cause if it is, I'm sure if you ask Morgan to push it back further, he will." She tries to reason.

"No it's not the wedding...I mean part if it is, but I'm not pushing it back." Reid states. "I just...It's just....I don't know how to explain it to you!" he snaps. That's when Gideon walks in. 

"Don't be snapping at her, you already punched your soon to be husband. We don't need you going off on another teammate." Gideon jumps into the conversation. "Why did you punch Morgan?" He asks.

"He just spooked me." Reid answers, avoiding eye contact. 

"Reid," Garcia now begins to push the truth out of him. "Spill."

"Better say it now." Gideon adds. Reid stays silent for a moment but finally gives up as he notices Garcia getting rather too close for his comfort. 

"He grabbed my arm, when I was walking away, it freaked me out, and I just had a natural reaction of hitting whoever was trying to grab me." Reid explains and then looks up at Gideon, who should understand what Reid means by that. Gideon does and to show it he nods, silently. Both of them leaving Garcia in the dark of what Reid meant by the answer. 

"Wait, does it have something to do with what happened in Vegas?" She asks. Reid looks at her and then to Gideon, who motions for Reid to tell her what happened. Reid sighs and looks towards Garcia. 

"Yes." He answers. "It does." 

"Then what happened?" She asks, now getting worried. At that Reid sits down on top of one of the desks in her room, she takes a seat in her chair, and Gideon stays standing, after shutting the door. 

That night, Reid walks out of the BAU building and is greeted by Morgan, who is standing next to his SUV, waiting for Reid. Reid tries not to make eye contact with him, but Morgan won't have it. "Hey, Pretty Boy, what's going on?" He asks. 

"Nothing." Reid answers. "Sorry about punching you." He mumbles and tries to walk away. 

"Reid, come on, get in the SUV." Morgan gently grabs Reids hand. "I don't feel like it's safe for you to walk home at this time of night." He explains. Reid nods and gets in the passenger seat, they head straight to Reids apartment. 

When they arrive at the apartment, Reid is about to get out of the vehicle but stops. "Do you want to come in?" He asks, Morgan. 

"Sure." Morgan answers, shutting off his SUV. They head up to Reids apartment building, and into the space. Reid throws his bag onto the couch. "You want something to drink?" He asks. Morgan shakes his head.

"No, i'm good." He states and watches Reid. "So what were you thinking for tonight?" He asks. 

"We could...could watch a movie." Reid answers a little too quickly. 

"What if I don't want to?" Morgan teases. 

"Then uh..we could...could talk." Reid suggests. 

"What if that isn't what I want to do either?" Morgan now wraps his arms around Reid and starts to nibble on Reids ear. 

"No!" Reid exclaims as he pushes Morgan away. Morgan looks to Reid stunned. 

"No?" He asks confused. "Okay, seriously. Did I do something wrong or are you just trying to say something else?" 

"No..I just ugh!!!" Reid responds, running his fingers through his hair, while walking away from Morgan. 

"Reid, tell me what the hell is going on." Morgan orders. 

"I might have made the wrong choice." Reid states. Morgan looks to him confused. 

"On what?" He asks, knowing what the answer is already, but needs to hear it for himself.

"Getting married, I think I might be having second thoughts on saying yes." Reid states. Morgan looks to him, stunned, confused, and hurt, but also pissed. 

"So you are calling off the wedding?" Morgan asks. 

"NO...I...I don't know." Reid replies. 

"You know what, i've had just about enough of you changing your mind over and over and over." Morgan starts. "Do you realize that the world does not revolve around you?" He asks. "Everytime! You expect me to put my life on hold, just so you can figure out yours! Well what if I still need to figure out mine, huh?!" His voice begins to rise.

"I dont ask you too!" Reid raises his voice. 

"You dont?" Morgan sounds unconvinced. "That bullshit Reid, what you are doing is bullshit!" He shouts. "You know what?" Morgan grabs his jacket and heads for the door. "Im done with this, I don't want to talk about this again tonight, but we are not done talking about it." He states as he storms out of the apartment. Reid stands there hurt, lost, and just feeling stupid. 

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