Chapter 4: Boom! Pieces Every Where!

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Morgan shows up at the office, late again, as usual. And he ignores Reid. He doesn't even take a glance at him or in his direction. Reid notices this but doesn't say anything about it, he starts to think it might be for the best, until Prentiss comes walking in and sits at he desk, which is next to Morgans and right at Reids. "So have all your wedding plans figured out?" She asks. Reid looks up at her and gives her the signal of 'Don't ask'. She notices this and then takes a glance at Morgan, who now looks pissed off. "Nevermind." She retreats the question and sits at her desk. "So Reid, can you help me with some of these case files, like writing the report, I have fallen so far behind it is not even funn." She breaks the awkward silence between them.

"Uh...Sure." Reid replies and gestures for her to hand them to him. She grabs the stack and places it on his desk. He looks to her confused and rather shocked. "I thought you said some!" He replies.

"Well that is some." Prentiss states back.

"Uh...In what world is this some?" He asks, rather confused at how she thinks almost 30 files are some.

"I told you I fell behind." She states.

"Have you even been on all these cases?" Reid asks in disbelief.

"I don't think so." She replies and walks back to her desk. "Thanks Reid." She adds as she takes a seat. That made Morgan finally look up at Reid, seeing how he had been stuck with Prentiss' files.

"Hey, kid, I can do some of those for you if you want." He tries to gesture. Reid straightens up, gives the look of 'Really?' as in annoyed kind of way.

"Honestly, I really highly doubt that. You are just going to scribble down things, not caring, like always, and than just call it good." Reid responds. "So honestly I think that you should just mind your own business and go back to playing with that stupid baseball in your hand." He adds.

"Ouch..." Prentiss responds to the tension that is growing in the ballpin. "Who took a piss in your cheerio's?" She asks them both.

"It's nothing." Reid responds and goes back to the files, trying to drop the subject.

"Excuse me?" Morgan refuses to drop the subject. "Nah uh, we aren't done talking about this." Reid rolls his eyes. Morgan may have not seen it, but he knows the body language all too well. "You just rolled your eyes at me didn't you?" He asks, now really pissed off. Reid turns around and looks at him unfrightened, more of annoyed.

"What if I did?" He asks, testing him.

"You son of a bitch!" Morgan growls and walks over to Reids desk. "What is your problem?" He asks, really annoyed.

"Right now?" Reid asks, earning a nod from the very frustrated Morgan. "You." He answers.

"What the hell Reid?" Morgan asks, now completely angry and confused. "What the hell happened to you in Vegas that made you like this?" He asks. "You came back and was all good and shit like that, but now you are being such a damn jack-ass." He states, earning Reids full attention. Reid shuts a file and stands up, getting in Morgans face.

"I'm the Jack-ass?" He asks.

"Yeah." Morgan answers, with a stern voice, also getting in Reids face. "You're the Jack-ass."

"Hey whoa, guys stop." Prentiss tries to get inbetween them, but Morgan prevents that.

"Prentiss stay the hell out of it!" He snaps.

"Hey! Leave her out of this, don't snap at her!" Reid snaps at Morgan. "That's your problem, you always either have to know everyones business, or you just go off on everyone because they won't tell you!"

Cold Feet? (MorganxReid)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin