(editing) 2. Just hooked on a Nightmare (part two)

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Lola looked at her mother in confusion. The sky started to become  black and the trees surrounding the meadow started to melt away.
The grass wilted and withered as the lake evaporated away. The air became dry and smelled of smock.
It filled her lungs and she started to cough.
She looked up to the tree that she was under. The flowers turned gray and fell bursting into fire before they touched the ground.
She looked back to her mother and screamed falling back onto the floor. In her place was a horrible monster. Its teeth was sharp and jagged. Its eyes glowed red. Large pointed ears, and large pointed claws.
Its right hand was a hug hook. It was a nightmare version of Foxy.
She got onto her knees and try to crawl away but the hug hook slamed right in front of her.
She felt her heart stop and turned her head around to see Nightmare Foxy in hers face.
He roared covering her face in oil spit. She then grabbed a died tree branch and wedged his mouth open. Then got up onto her feet and started running. Tears coming from her eyes.

Nightmare Foxy shook his head and used all his strength to snap the branch in half with his mighty jaws. He looked up and saw her running. He lifted his hook out of the ground and chased after her. "There is no escaping me!" He said in a deep dark shadowy voice.
She cuntiued to run as fast as she could.
"Lola! Lola! Lola get up." A voice called out to her.

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