Chapter 2 I thought you were dead!

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-Albiona POV -

"Merlin do you know her?" The blonde man asked my brother looking between us.

"Yes, she is my sister. Wow you look just like mum" Merlin says not once taking his eyes of me.

"Well I am Percival, seeing as you asked for my name" the big man with the kind smile told me. At least I know his name know.

"Arthur we should head back to the castle it's getting late" says the darker skinned man.

"Yes, we should head back now, but who does she go with?" Arthur asks while looking at everyone.

Before Merlin can even form an answer Percival jumps in "She can rife with me, I'll be able to support her better."

"Albiona is that okay with you?" Merlin asks me looking me in the eyes.

I look at Merlin not really knowing what to say. So I try to stand up and walk towards him but my legs couldn't support my weight. This made me immediately fall to the ground, luckily for me Percival caught. Picking me up bridle style he walks out of the cellar only for me to be blinded by the light.

"It is so bright out here," I say while my eyes slowly adjust to the light.

"It's lovely is it not?" Percival asks me, making me nod my head, while walking towards a beautiful horse. Now it's time for the long ride home.

-------Time Skip--------

-Sir Percival POV -

We are finally entering the castle gates after the long ride home. Poor little Albiona fell asleep halfway through the ride. Everytime I moved from position she would cuddle closer to me making all the guys mock me as I tried to make her comfortable.

"What do you think of her?" Arthur asks me quietly wanting my opinion.

"She is so small and scared I doubt she can any harm, but if it is a trouble for I will take responsibility for her." I tell Arthur looking down at her, she is definitely a beauty. I wonder what else comes along with her personality.

"That's not what I meant, but it will do. She seems so scared of everything, the poor girl" Arthur comments making me nod my head in agreement.

As soon as we are inside I dismount from my horse bringing Albiona with me.

"Where shall I put her?" I ask Arthur as he dismount his horse.

"We don't have a room prepared and she can't stay with Merlin and Guais it's to small." He tells me so I automatically voluteer.

"She can stay me, I'll sleep on the floor ah can sleep in the bed" they all like at like I have grown two heads.

After that I take her to my room and lay her down on the bed. The I go to sleep myself.

-----Time Skip-------

-Albiona POV-

I wake up in a room that does not look familiar to me. I get out of the bed only to kick a body on floor. This made me let out a loud scream, waking up the person who was on the floor. It was Percival.

Because of my scream the men who rescued me, and my brother came barging through the door. Seeing that there was no threat they left to let me change but not before I could apologize to them and Percival for screaming.

After putting on a lovely silk dress I am taken to Gaius to be checked over.

"She is severely malnourished, she also has bruises and marking all over her body that should heal in time," the kind old man says to the knights and my brother.

"Merlin where are we?" I ask looking at him in the eye only too quickly look somewhere else.

"Albiona we are in Camelot, King Arthur wishes to speak to you" Merlin tells me reaching for my hand. I get up and follow behind him whilst all the knights follow.

I wonder what he wants.

Hey guys sorry for the long update it took a while. So what did you think.

Comment and vote please xxxxx

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