Chapter 5

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"The Baroness? You mean the other half to that mangy set of figurines your grandpa has?" Layla scoffed.

"Well at least I think it is. It doesn't look much likt the Baron, but I thought I might as well give it a try." he smiled and pulled out the black cat figurine.

Layla fought back laughter. "That can't be Louise. She doesn't have a dress on!"

"Well. You never know." he huffed and stuffed the figurine back in his bag.

They returned to the shop several hours later, having to walk the distance and getting side tracked several times.

"It's about time you two got here! My tea is cold." Mr. Naski sighed and looked at the long cold tea.

"Sorry sir, someone just had to see his girlfriend right away." Layla chuckled.

"Oh really? Was she still there or was she clinging to another man?" Mr Naski teased.

"Oh, no. Mr Naski. She was dangling off a cliff, begging for his help!" Layla grabbed an antique umbrella and draped herself against the doorway. "Seiji, Seiji help me!"

"I shall save you!" Mr. Naski hurried to her.

She turned around and used the extra folds of her skirt as a cape. "Not so fast, old man! To reach the beautiful, amazing, perfect, fair skinned, smart princess you must get past me! Muwahahaha!" She laughed, pointing the umbrella like a sword.

They house erupted into laughter and joy as they teased the growing man.

Mr. Naski sighed. "You children make me laugh more than I have ever since Louise left."

"Oh, Grandfather. Speaking of Lousie. I brought you a gift." Seiji smiled and pulled out the cat figurine.

"A new figurine? How nice. Baron will like the company." Mr. Naski smiled, taking the black cat.

"Wait, it's not Louise?" Seiji frowned.

"I'm sorry boy, but Louise was white with a pretty little dress on. And if you can't see it, this cat should be wearing a tux. He'd look quite fetching in one." Mr. Naski sighed and took the figurine downstairs. "I think the Baron came with a waredrobe in case I ever wanted to change his attire, maybe this cat is the same size."

"A cat figurine has it's own waredrobe?!" Layla shouted in disbelief.

"Yes, Baron's previous owner tended to spoil him." Mr. Naski came back up with the black tuxed figurine in hand.

"Wow, he's like... Wow..." Layla marveled at the new figurine, feeling bad for previously laughing at it.

"Very stunning indeed." Seiji smiled.

"I'm going to set him by the Baron and get to sleep. Goodnight, kids." Mr. Naski set the new cat down and walked into his room.

"Goodnight, Mr. Naski!" Layla waved.

"Goodnight, Grandfather." Seiji smiled.

There was a meow from outside and Layla opened the door to see Muta sitting on the door step. "Well well well... Look what the cat rolls revealed." she huffed.

"Hey! I don't remember you being this rude to me kiddo! If we didn't need your help I would have left at that." he grumbled and pulled at her skirt.

"Muta, what is it? I'm not leaving." she stomped her heel down.

"Fine, there is a new figurine in town and he thinks he is so bad that he's going to beat the Baron." Muta remarked.

"And how does this involve me?"

"I don't know! Baron just told me to come and get you." Muta growled.

"Fine, just let me go get my coat." she shut the door in the cat's face and turned around to see Seiji standing right there.

The BaronessWhere stories live. Discover now