Chapter 3 - No

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Scarlett's Pov

"Umm... Daddy what is this," I ask him in the sweetest voice possible.

"It's pancakes sweetie. I wouldn't want my little princess having a tummie ache now would I?" Says Daddy.

I looked at him.

I look at my food.

I look at him and then my food.

I'm not eating these nasty poo.


"What did you say little girl," bellows my daddy.

I could tell he was getting a little mad but at that moment I didn't really care
I was not eating mashed pancakes.

"I'm not eating this daddy," i say in a small voice.

"And why is that."

"Because this is nasty. I have many teeth in my mouth. I can bite the pancakes with my teeth. I don't need gooey nasty pancakes like that."

He sighs after my little rant.

"Ok. You can have fruit for breakfast because all the other food is nasty and gooey. Is that what you want?" Daddy asks me.

"Yes please," I say looking up at him with a smile.

He sighs and walks over to the fridge and gets me a lot of fruit.

He gets me strwaberries and apples and oranges and grapes and bananas and something else but me don't know what is is.

He brings them to me and cuts them all up in little baby squares

"Now eat up. We have a big day today," He says then heads up stairs.

I'm not paying attention to him as I eat my fruits. I finish then in about five minutes and look around for my Daddy.

Where did he go.

I start to cry softly.

My daddy left me all by myself.

I thought he loved me

I try yo climb out of my high seat when I fall on my arm and get a boo boo.

This makes me cry louder.

This is all my Daddy's fault.

He left me and know I'm hurt.

Daddy is a big meanie.

Me don't like Daddy anymore.

And looks who comes running down the stairs.

His PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now