⦁ 03. hello (kitty phone)

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srry about DP. hes weird.

piper woods;

DP??? does he know about the double meaning....


probably why he picked the name.
'dad' is still trying to tell him off for annoying u.

piper woods;

it's not like it takes a lot to get me started lol. i still have grudges from primary school..


not to mention u still haven't talked to logan since the pencil thing.

piper woods;

ok that was my best pencil!! if he buys me another one i'll talk to him. maybe.


ur a grown up. u can  buy ur own big girl pencils.


Piper snorted at her reply. Despite being in the same building, Negasonic Teenage Warhead always preferred texting. When it first started Piper tutted 'teenagers'.

That's when she realized she was an actual adult.

Putting the rose gold phone onto her desk, she continued tapping her fingers on her laptop's keys. Having spent a few years focusing entirely on controlling her powers once arriving in the school and bettering her understanding of English, she'd only recently been able to start following her dreams of being a lawyer. With help with the Professor, she'd managed to get most of the resources she needed (borrowing the rest from other students).

The mobile buzzed, and Piper glanced at it.



are u even going 2 come out of ur room? he didnt make u that mad right??

piper woods;

it's called STUDYING!! probably haven't heard of it before. :-)


'haha'... come on that's all you ever do these days.
ur gonna be even more boring soon. idk if we can be friends if you continue.

piper woods;

i think i can live with that.
for the record!!! he didn't annoy me that much.
except the coloring he was doing when i got down there. he was coloring outside the lines!!


he broke in and that's what you're mad about.
aren't you a law student????

piper woods;

yes... but that just seems to be a super-person thing. going into people's houses unannounced.

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